TEXPOP Network of External Faculty Affiliates
In order to facilitate population sciences collaborations across Texas, we invited scholars from universities around the state to become Faculty Affiliates of the PRC. It is our hope that their involvement will lead to rich collaborations that will advance our science.
Ernesto Amaral
Associate Professor • Texas A&M University
Research interests: Social Demography, Migration, Public Policy Analysis
Matthew A. Andersson
Associate Professor | Baylor University
Research interests: Health Inequality, Socioeconomic Status, Educational Attainment, Life Course, Family, Social Psychology, Comparative Policy and Institutions, Personal Networks, Gender
Amanda K. Baumle
Professor | The University of Houston
Research interests: Demography of Sexuality, Trans Demography, Sociology of Law, Gender & Sexuality
Amie Bostic
Associate Professor | The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Research interests: Social Policy, Poverty, Political Sociology, Immigration, Gender
Cristina Bradatan
Professor | Texas Tech University
Research interests: Climate change adaptation, Migration, Mathematical demography
Jennifer Bratter
Professor | Rice University
Research interests: Race, Demography, Marriage, and Family
Brielle Bryan
Assistant Professor | Rice University
Research interests: Inequality & stratification, criminal justice contact, housing insecurity, race, social policy
Farrah Gafford Cambrice
Associate Professor | Prairie View A&M University
Research interests: Social stratification, family, and community
Mary Campbell
Director, TXRDC and Associate Professor | Texas A&M University
Research interests: Measurement of racial and ethnic categories, interracial relationships, multiracial groups, inequality within and between groups
Phillip Cantu
Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine | University of Texas Medical Branch
Research interests: Caregiving, Aging and the Life Course, Dementia and Cognitive Impairment, Health Disparities/Minority Health
Ruby Charak
Assistant Professor of Psychology | The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Research Interests: Adverse childhood experiences, technology-mediated partner abuse, PTSD, LGBTQ+ Mental health, Structural Equation Modeling
Seung-won Emily Choi
Assistant Professor | Texas Tech University
Research Interests: Racial/ethnic disparities in health, Intergenerational relationships, Cognitive health in later life, Global aging
Lynne Cossman
Dean, College for Health, Community and Policy | University of Texas San Antonio
Research interests: Mortality, disparities, spatial, COVID
Christina Diaz
Assistant Professor | Rice University
Research interests: Social Demography, immigration and assimilation, immigration and health, fertility and family demography
William Donner
Professor | University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley
Research interests: Demography, environment, technology, disasters, hazard mortality
Jeremy E. Fiel
Assistant Professor | Rice University
Research interests: Segregation, educational inequality, intergenerational stratification and mobility, quantitative methods.
Nadia Flores
Associate Professor | Texas Tech University
Research interests: Undocumented Immigration, aging, social inequality and health disparities
Luz M. Garcini
Assistant Professor | Rice University
Research interests: Immigrant health, Latinx Health, Stress, Trauma, Loss, Grief
Richard J. Harris
Professor | University of Texas at San Antonio
Research interests: Social demography, military sociology, sexual harassment/assault, stratification, gender, race/ethnicity
Deanna Hoelscher
Professor | The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Research interests: Physical Activity and Nutrition; Health Education/Behavioral Sciences; Maternal and Child Health; Adolescent Health; Social Determinants of Health; Community Health Practice; Health Equity; Program Evaluation
Ying Huang
Assistant Professor | University of Texas at San Antonio
Research interests: Stratification, Residential segregation, Population health, Life course
Ethan Hunt
Assistant Professor | The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Research interests: Childhood obesity prevention; Health disparities
Rebecca Jones-Antwi
Assistant Professor | Baylor University
Research interests: Migration, Refugees, Chronic disease, Multimorbidity, Racial Identity, Multiracial, Intersectionality
Kara Joyner
Professor | The University of Texas at San Antonio
Research interests: Mate selection preferences, health and well-being of sexual minorities
Steven Kelder
Professor | The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Research interests: Maternal and Child Health; Adolescent Health; Community Health Practice; Health Education/Behavioral Sciences; Physical Activity and Nutrition; Program Evaluation; Substance Use; Social Determinants of Health
Wookun Kim
Assistant Professor | Southern Methodist University
Research interests: Applied microeconomics (urban, public, health), economic geography, demography, international trade, optimal policy
Joseph Lariscy
Associate Professor | Texas A&M University
Research interests: Adult mortality, racial/ethnic health disparities, lifespan inequality, survival analysis
Zhiyong Lin
Assistant Professor | The University of Texas at San Antonio
Research interests: Aging, Social determinants of health, Caregiving, Family relationships, Life course, Race/ethnicity, Sexual minorities
Gregory H. Maddox
Professor | Texas Southern University
Research Interests: Statistics, Research Methods and Inequality
Debarun Majumdar
Professor | Texas State University
Research Interests: Well-being, LGBTQ, South Asian LGBTQ community, immigration, microaggression, and immigrants
Dale S. Mantey
Assistant Professor | The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Research Interests: Health of adolescents
Gloria Martinez
Professor | Texas State University
Research Interests: Medical Sociology, Latina/o Studies, Race and Ethnic Studies, Immigration Studies, Gender and Health, Community Studies, Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
Sadaf Milani
Assistant Professor | The University of Texas Medical Branch
Research Interests: Epidemiology of Aging, Pain/Prescription Opoid Use, Cognition/Dementia, Health Disparities/Minority Health/Gender Disparities
Maria Cristina Morales
Professor | The University of Texas at El Paso
Research Interests: Immigration, U.S.-Mexico border, Demography and Sociology of Latina/os, Health Disparities, and Structural Violence
Dianne Mosley
Professor | Texas Southern University
Research Interests: Research Methods, Social Organization and Sociology of Mental Health
Matthew Painter
Associate Professor | University of North Texas
Research Interests: Immigration, Social Stratification, Race & Ethnicity, Wealth Inequality
Xi Pan
Assistant Professor | Texas State University
Research Interests: Public health of aging; Biological, social, behavioral, and environmental determinants of health; Cognitive health and dementia; Racial/ethnic health disparities
Lloyd Potter
Professor | The University of Texas at San Antonio
Research Interests: Demography and demographic methods, Epidemiology Suicide, violence, and mental health, Demographics of water and energy consumption
Fernando Riosmena
Professor | The University of Texas at San Antonio
Research Interests: Drivers of international and internal migration; Immigrant adaptation; Social determinants of health and aging
Igor Ryabov
Professor | The University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley
Research Interests: Sociology of education, Sociology of health, Immigration, Race/Class/Gender
Rogelio Sáenz
Professor | The University of Texas at San Antonio
Research Interests: Latina/os, Race, Inequality, COVID-19, Immigration, Public Policy, Social Justice
Joachim Singelmann
Emeritus Professor | The University of Texas at San Antonio
Research Interests: Poverty and inequality; race and ethnicity; transformation from socialism to capitalism in eastern Europe
Brittany C. Slatton
Professor | Texas Southern University
Research Interests: Social Inequality, Intersection of race, gender, and class, Qualitative methodology
Benjamin Sosnaud
Assistant Professor | Trinity University
Research Interests: Institutions and inequality, health disparities, the social determinants of health, infant health, social policy
Corey S. Sparks
Associate Professor | The University of Texas at San Antonio
Research Interests: Quantitative methods, spatial demography, Bayesian Statistics, survey data analysis
Johnelle Sparks
Professor | The University of Texas at San Antonio
Research Interests: Social determinants of health, mortality, morbidity, health disparities
J. Bart Stykes
Assistant Professor | Sam Houston State University
Research Interests: Fertility, Union Formation and Dissolution, Parenthood and Well-Being, Measurement
Raymond Swisher
Professor and Chair | University of Texas at San Antonio
Research Interests: Subjective Life Expectancy, Health Disparities, COVID Protection Behavior, Neighborhood Attainments, Social Mobility, First Generation Students, Adolescence and Transition to Adulthood, Exposure to Violence, Parental Incarceration
Alexander Testa
Assistant Professor | University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Research Interests: Incarceration, Criminal Justice, Violence, Health
Jeremy Uecker
Associate Professor | Baylor University
Research Interests: Religion, family, youth, mental health, stratification, sexual behavior
Carmen Valdez
Associate Dean of Research and Partnership, Professor of Health, Behavior, and Society | UT School of Public Health at San Antonio
Research Interests: Understanding family stability and stress within the context of social policy
Brandon Wagner
Assistant Professor | Texas Tech University
Research Interests: Health and Social Relationships, Family Formation, Reproductive Healthcare, Biosociology/Biodemography
Courtney Byrd-Williams
Assistant Professor, Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences, University of Texas Health Science Center
Research interests: Promotion of healthy living among infants, children and their families
Dawid Wladyka
Associate Professor | The University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley
Research interests: Sustainability, Disasters, Migration, Diversity, Ethnic Relations, Urban/Rural Studies, Field Research Methodology, GIS
Rebeca Wong
Department of Population Health Sciences
Department of Neurology
Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer’s & Neurodegenerative Diseases
Department of Health, Behavior, and Society
The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
Research interests: Aging, Mexico, Cross-national, Mexican immigrants, Cognitive aging, longitudinal surveys
René Zenteno
Professor | The University of Texas at San Antonio
Research interests: Social and demographic change, international migration, and social inequality, with a focus on Mexico, U.S.-Mexican migration, and Mexican immigrant incorporation