College of Liberal Arts
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Undergraduate Training

College of Liberal Arts

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Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program:

Summer 2020 Undergraduate Research ProgramUndergraduate Research in Race, Ethnicity, and the Demography of U.S. Families NSF Award #1852556 The Population Research Center at the University of Texas is offering a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in 2020. Students will have the opportunity to work directly with faculty, policy analysts, and senior graduate students on issues related to race, ethnicity, and American families. Students will also participate in coursework, data analysis, training experiences in the ‘real’ world and the academy.

  • Opportunity to study social demography through course work and mentored research experience with PRC faculty and senior graduate students
  • Program pays for room and board, and computing and research-related expenses
  • REU students receive a $4,000 stipend for participation in the 8 week program
  • Students collaborate with demographers working outside the academy, in state and local research institutes
  • Second half of the program focuses on individual projects in collaboration with graduate student mentors and PRC faculty
  • Student papers are presented in the fall at a professional conference or as policy briefs to local stakeholders
  • This program is specifically geared toward students with junior standing who are seriously thinking about attending graduate school in the social sciences and, particularly, in sociology or demography
  • Students from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply

UT Undergraduate Certificate Program: "Social Inequality, Health, and Policy"

UT's Bridging Disciplines Program (BDP) is an interdisciplinary certificate program that helps students organize area requirements, electives, major requirements, internships, and research experiences around an interdisciplinary theme. One of the eight interdisciplinary themes, "Social Inequality, Health, and Policy," introduces students to the statistical study of human populations, with fundamental attention to issues of social and economic inequality. Through courses in Sociology, Educational Psychology, Anthropology, Social Work, Economics, Government, and Geography, students develop their skills in demography and policy analysis. Students may create specializations related to Family, Fertility & Human Development, Migration & Diaspora Population Studies, Public Health & Social Ethnology, and Social Inequality & Public Policy.

Undergraduate students accepted into the Social Inequality, Health, and Policy BDP have the opportunity to intern on faculty research projects at the PRC, better preparing them for graduate school, and for careers with governmental agencies, nonprofit organizations, and corporations.

For more information on this program, please visit the BDP program's website.


The University of Texas at Austin has a Web-based resource called EUREKA! to inspire undergraduate students to become involved in research and innovation and to enhance communication among faculty members across colleges and schools. The site features a university-wide directory of the research interests of more than 1,500 faculty members. With EUREKA!, students can find professors with expertise on subjects ranging from "adolescence" and "aging" to "urban studies" and "viruses." The Web site also allows students and faculty to identify areas of expertise by browsing according to college, department, research projects and research/academic unit.