College of Liberal Arts
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Pledges (to be paid out over a period of up to five years) and gifts can be made either online or by mail.

Donate Online

If you wish to make your gift electronically:

  • Visit the online Giving Page.
  • After completing the gift information, please make sure that "Hixon Fellowship" is filled in the box at the bottom of the page.
  • Complete the rest of the online form to submit your gift.

If you would like more information about the Hixon Graduate Fellowship in Statistics, please contact:

University Development Office
1 University Station
Mail Stop A3000
Austin, TX 78712

You may also email or call (512) 471-8861 to receive more information.


Donate by Mail

If you would like to send a check or pay by credit card by mail, please fill out and mail this downloadable PDF pledge/gift form.

Checks can be made payable to The University of Texas. In the check memo line and/or with an adjoining note, please reference the Hixon Graduate Fellowship in Statistics.

Checks and pledge/gift forms should be sent to the attention of:

University Development Office
1 University Station
Mail Stop A3000
Austin, TX 78712

You may also email or call (512) 471-8861 to receive more information.