Social & Personality

William B Swann
Social and Personality Area Chair
Ours is a vigorous research and training program in social and personality psychology. The following topics show what we explore:
- Close Relationships
- Emotions
- Personality
- Writing and Talking
- Social Neuroendocrinology
- Self and Identity
- Animal Personality
- Social Neuroscience
- Social Cognition
- Natural Language
- Social Media
- Social Interactions
- Group Processes
- Interpersonal perception
- Psychology of Physical Space
- Attitudes
- Automaticity and Control
- Decision Making
- Implicit Measures
- Morality
Very broadly, the goals of our faculty and graduate students are:
- To conduct research on problems that capture our interest and captivate the imagination
- To understand basic psychological processes and their implications for real-world behavior
- To conduct the highest caliber research and have fun in the process (after all, life is short!)