College of Liberal Arts
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Academic Resources

Faculty Teaching Assignments

  • Teaching requests will be solicited by email every fall for the following academic year.
  • Faculty should discuss teaching preferences with their area head before submitting their teaching request survey to ensure that all curriculum needs are met.


  • Access the Canvas course management system and find help navigating Canvas here

Classroom Assignments

  • Room preferences for your classrooms should be included on the teaching request survey. Please note that demand for available classrooms is very high, especially during peak teaching hours.  It is generally not possible to secure a particular, preferred classroom, and preferred teaching times may have to be adjusted to secure an available classroom.
  • Visit the Tecnhnology Classroom Database to search for general purpose classrooms, including information on room setup and available technology.
  • One-time room reservations for SEA classrooms or meeting rooms can be requested by submitting a Request a Room Reservation form.

Course Descriptions

  • Every new undergraduate course needs to be approved by COLA before being scheduled. In addition to course number and title, the course description should have a brief description of the topic, example of readings or texts, and a breakdown of assignments (tests, papers or projects) with their grade value. The course description is signed by the chair of the department and submitted by course scheduler to COLA.

Course Description on the Psychology Website

  • A brief description can be added to topic courses (undergraduate and graduate) on our website by emailing the Course Scheduler.

Course Instructor Surveys

  • Course Instructor Surveys (CIS) are required for all organized classes. You will receive an email to solicit your CIS preferences each semester.
  • Each instructor is required to confirm that the correct CIS ordered was placed for your course by visiting MyCIS before the end of the request period. You will receive an email reminder when it’s time to complete this step.
  • Visit the CIS Faculty and Staff page for information on administering surveys, available survey options, dates and deadlines, and survey FAQs.

Textbook Orders

  • Textbooks requisitions are managed by the University Co-Op. Instructors can submit their textbook orders here.
  • The deadline for fall and summer semesters is April 15th. The deadline for the spring semester is October 31st.

Syllabus Submission

  • Pursuant to HB 2504, The University of Texas at Austin is required to make syllabi and faculty CVs for all undergraduate courses publicly available.
  • See details, including syllabi and CV requirements on the Public Access to Course Information
  • Syllabi and CVs should be submitted to the Course Scheduler by the first day of classes each semester.

Grade Submission and Grade Changes

Final Exam Scheduling

  • Final exams will be scheduled according to your response to the survey sent out at the beginning of each semester.
  • Once final exams have been scheduled, you can look up scheduled exams by unique number.
  • The Index of Final Exams lists the general schedule of exams and can be used to project the final exam time for your syllabus.
