College of Liberal Arts
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Grants and Research

Grant Proposal Submission

  • All grants, fellowships, or contracts that will be run through the department must be submitted through the Grants and Contracts Specialist, James Medina, who will coordinate submission through the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) or other subsequent central office.
  • Proposal documents should be submitted to the Grants and Contracts Specialist by the deadlines listed below.
  • Proposals that attempt to circumvent this structure will be processed as “backdoor awards.” These awards will face a significantly extended review process by OSP and could result in the university being unable to accept the award.
  • All PIs/Co-PIs on a project must have completed their Financial Interest Disclosure (FID) prior to the proposal submission.

Deadlines for proposals without sub-awards:​

  • 15 days in advance of proposal deadline: Submit Funding Proposal Form (FP) ​
  • 7 days before proposal deadline: Submit administrative shell documents, including project summary/abstract/statement of work, final budget justification, budget, and biosketch(es)​
  • 4 business days before proposal deadline: Submit remaining non-scientific documents ​
  • 1 business day before proposal deadline: Submit final scientific documents​

Deadlines for proposals with sub-awards:

  • 5 weeks in advance of proposal deadline: Submit Funding Proposal Form (FP) ​
  • 4 weeks before proposal deadline: Submit administrative shell documents, including project summary/abstract/statement of work, final budget justification, budget, and biosketch(es)​
  • 1 week before proposal deadline: Submit remaining non-scientific documents ​
  • 1 business day before proposal deadline: Submit final scientific doc

Sub-Award Setup

  • Once the notice of award or approval of award extension has been received, the PI should request setup of sub-award(s) on the project by submitting the Sub-Award Request Form


Funding Opportunity Assistance

  • The Grant and Contract Specialist for the department can also assist faculty, students, and researches with finding funding opportunities. Please reach out to her to schedule an appointment.
  • The University also subscribes to PIVOT a funding opportunity database, which is free to all employees and students. You can create an account with PIVOT and have funding opportunity announcements pushed to your inbox based on search parameters. Contact the G&C for the department for assistance, if needed.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

  • In order to conduct human subjects research at the University of Texas at Austin, you are required to have IRB approval for your project.
  • View the Submitting to the IRB page for forms and guidance.
  • Visit the IRB FAQ page to explore answers to common IRB questions or Contact the IRB Office for additional information.
  • The IRB office maintains a monthly "IRB Insider" newsletter listserv; to email Anne Burke to subscribe. 

Post-Award Support

  • Our Financial Analyst provides post-award support, including balance and expenditure reports for grant accounts, assistance with financial data for annual reporting requirements, and support for no cost extensions.

Salary Compensation Reports

  • Salary Compensation Reports have replaced the Effort Certification System. The Salary Compensation Reports will be distributed to PIs by email each semester, and PIs are responsible for reviewing their reports and contacting the Financial Analyst if any corrections need to be made.
  • See additional details and guidance for PIs

