College of Liberal Arts
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Contact Us

Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building

108 E. Dean Keeton Street, Mail Stop A8000
Austin, TX 78712

Main Office: SEA 4.208

SEA Building Emergency Plan (.pdf)

Undergraduate Program and Advising

Anna Kent, Joel Mendolusky, David Valenzuela, Sarah Infante, Lupita Camacho-Garcia
SEA 2.210
Phone: 512-471-4410

Graduate Program and Advising

Kimberly Terry
SEA 3.210
Phone: 512-471-6398

Business Office Contacts

Advising, Registration, and Prospective Student Questions:

Accounting and Post-Award Support:

Building Access or Building Issues:

  • To report SEA maintenance/repair issues, please call 512-471-2020

  • To report emergencies or safety concerns, call 911 from anywhere on campus to be connected with UTPD.

Grants and Research:

Human Resources & Hiring:

Events & Entertainment: 



Website and Communications:

General questions: