Psychology | College of Liberal Arts
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Ph.D. Career Outcomes

  • 2023-2024: 4 Clinical Psychology Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Bridget Freihart Examining the role of physiological synchrony in partnered sexual activity Cindy Meston Private Clinical Practice  
    M. Molly McNamara Improving the assessment of attention bias in depression Christopher Beevers Post-doc (Mclean Hospital/Harvard University)  
    Megan Micheletti Objective markers of mother and infant behavior predict maternal men tal health: evidence from a multimodal sensing paradigm Kaya de Barbaro Post-Doc (UCLA)  
    Emma Siegel Effects of safety behaviors on distress tolerance: an experimental investigation Michael Telch Clinical Post-doc (San Diego Verterans Affairs Medical Center)  
  • 2023-2024: 11 Psychology Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Eliya Ben-Asher Social, environmental, and neural influences of executive function ability in adolescence Jessica Church-Lang Lead Data Scientist (Lumer Technologies)  
    Tyler Larguinho The young and the restless: restless sleep and its effect on behavioral and neural inhibition in youths with and without adhd  Jessica Church-Lang    
    Kyoungeun Lee Interoceptive awareness and emotional episodic memory across the adult lifespan Audrey Duarte Post-doc (Georgia State)  
    Sydney Lee Exploring pain- and anxiety-like behavioral disturbances after spinal cord injury in male and female mice Andrew Gaudet    
    Anna Madden-Rusnak The dynamic nature of parasympathetic regulation in infancy and influences of everyday caregiver interactions Kaya de Barbaro Research Scientist (Dell Medical School)  
    F. Nicholas Medrano Status, respect, and adolescents' responsiveness to educational interventions David Yeager    
    Tyler Milewski Mechanisms of social plasticity in mouse social hierarchies James Curley Post-doc (The University of Texas at Austin)  
    Soroush Mirjalili More than sum of its parts: investigating episodic memory as a multidimensional cognitive process Audrey Duarte Post-doc (University of Oregon)  
    Kevin Moran Obesogenic behavioral, metabolic, and neuronal consequences of adolescent social stress in male hamsters Yvon Delville Post-doc (Rutgers University-New Brunswick)  
    Kylee Smith Uncovering translational predictors of outcome in preclinical models of traumatic brain injury Linda Noble, Marie Monfils Post-doc Virginia Tech  
  • 2022-2023: 7 Clinical Psychology Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Julia Chafkin Measurement issues in the development of a novel model of hormone- linked psychopathology Robert Josephs, David Yeager Post-doc  (Weill Cornell)  
    A. Alban Foulser A randomized controlled investigation of a compassion-based intervention for shame Michael Telch Post-doc (Emory University)  
    Talya Leibowicz Stress and psychopathology in emergency medical services providers Caryn Carlson Clinical Assistant Professor (University of Texas at Austin)  
    James Madole Individual differences in biology and behavior: methodological, empirical, and theoretical insights K. Paige Harden, Elliot Tucker-Drob Psychologist (Veterans Affairs)  
    Aditi Sabhlok Executive functions and academic achievement in children and adolescents across socioeconomic and historical contexts K. Paige Harden Post-doc (Baylor College of Medicine)  
    Valeria Tretyak Early life peer victimization: associated neural structure and reactivity to social-emotional stimuli, drinking motives, and alcohol use in young adulthood Kim Fromme, Elizageth Lippard Post-doc (Mclean Hospital/Harvard University)  
    Eric Zaizar Using insights from neuroscience for the treatment of pathological fear: tests of three novel approaches Michael Telch; F. Gonzalez-Lima Post-doc (Evidence Based Treatment Center of Seattle)  
  • 2022-2023: 10 Psychology Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Serena Brandler The language of devaluation: how linguistic markers communicate and perpetuate social inequities James Pennebaker FBI  
    N. Nicole Kunkel Endocrine disruptors and hormonally-sensitive windows across the life cycle of females Andrea Gore Data Analyst (inThought Research)  
    Dillon Luke Individual differences in responses to moral dilemmas Bertram Gawronski Product Scientist (Indeed)  
    Zachariah Marrero Applying lessons from a critical analysis of machine learning in psychological science: two examples predicting psychological traits and states using voice data Samuel Gosling Machine Learning Engineer (Octo)  
    F. Alexis Martel The dual nature of identity fusion: a unifying force or a source of division? William Swann Adjunct Professor (St. Edwards University)  
    Jenny Nissel Why wearing a yellow hat is impossible: chinese and u.s. children's developing possibility conceptions Jacqueline Woolley Post-doc (Boston University)  
    Daniel Panfili The role of vision in locomotion Mary Hayhoe Post-doc (The University of Texas at Austin)  
    Kaila Parker Investigating the interplay between early life stress, acute secondary pathogenesis, and chronic hippocampal impairments in young mice with traumatic brain injury Linda Noble Account Coordinator (Stellate Communications)  
    Shaden Powell Do children show preference for non-muslim high resource speakers? Catharine Echols Lecturer (The University of Texas at Austin)  
    Sara Schroer Embodied and environmental influences on early word learning Chen Yu Post-doc (The University of Texas at Austin)  
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  • 2021-2022: 4 Clinical Psychology Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Emily Carl Estimating the effect of exercise on mental health: review and bayesian network meta-analysis Jasper Smits Post-doc (Krista Jordan and Associates Private Practice)  
    Ciara McAfee The ability of dual-hormone laboratory stressor response to predict laboratory evoked subjective distress, and the association with real-life performance Michael Telch, Robert Josephs Staff Psychologist (Veterans Administration)  
    Mikael Rubin Disentangling perceptual mechanisms maintaining social anxiety disorder using vr and eye tracking Michael Telch Assistant Professor (Palo Alto University)  
    Aliza Stein Improving behavioral activation for depression Jasper Smits Post-doc (Mclean Hospital/Harvard University)  
  • 2021-2022: 13 Psychology Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Amy Arndt Setting the gender stage: the role of perceived gender in gender performance and expression Katharine Tillman City Research Scientist (NYC Department of Youth & Community Development ยท Full-time)  
    Courtney Crosby Sexual morality, evolution, and religion David Buss, Cindy Meston Quantitative UX Researcher (Expedia)  
    Patrick Durkee Probing the fundamental features of human status psychology David Buss Research Associate (The Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse)  
    Janelle Foret Sex as a biological variable in cardiometabolic burden and brain integrity Andreana Haley Post-doc (University of CA San Diego)  
    Julia Martz A role for the medial preoptic area in neuroendocrine modulation of sex differences in reward Juan Dominguz Post-doc (Massachusetts College of Pharmacy)  
    Megan McMahon Rest-activity rhythms and cognitive aging David Schnyer User Experience Researcher (Mercari)  
    Can Oluk Visual target detection under multiple dimensions of uncertainty Wilson Geisler Post-doc (Ecole Normal Superieure, Paris France)  
    Derek Pisner Predicting depression persistence with connectome statistical learning David Schnyer Machine Learning Engineer (Clarity)  
    Issac Rhim Studies of photoreceptor throughput to visual cortex Ian Nauhaus Post-doc (University of Oregon)  
    Anna Sedlacek Sexual harassment proclivity: dimensionality and individual differences David Buss Editor  
    Sarah Seraj Exploring how natural language reflects individual and group social dynamics James Pennebaker Owner/Director (A Better Force)  
    Miti Shah Predicting weight loss in online weight management program James Pennebaker Behavioral Sciene Specialist (Convey)  
    Jake Whritner Visual perception of motion in the 3d environment Alexander Huk Human Factors Scientist (Exponent)  
  • 2020-2021: 5 Clinical Psychology Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Andrew Grotzinger Genomic structural equation modeling: a novel method used to understand the shared genetic basis of mental health disorders Elliot Tucker-Drob, K. Paige Harden Assistant Professor (University of Colorado Boulder)  
    Ariel Handy An assessment of vaginal lubrication and blood flow in women taking oral contraceptive pills Cindy Meston Post-doc (The Concord Center)  
    Chelsea Kilimnik An online expressive writing intervention for the pychosexual well- being of women with a history of childhood sexual abuse: theory, mechanisms, and effectiveness in a randomized clinical trail Cindy Meston Assistant Research Professor (University of Colorado Boulder)  
    Travis Mallard An examination of the genetic etiology of substance use and serious mental illness K. Paige Harden Post-doc (Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School)  
    Santiago Papini Data-driven prediction of the emergence of and recovery from ptsd Jasper Smits Post-doc (University of CA San Diego)  
  • 2020-2021: 12 Psychology Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Laura Agee The behavioral and neural mechanisms of the social transmission of information and behavior Marie Monfils Post-doc (University of Texas Austin)  
    Ashwini Ashokkumar How political identities are developed and maintained William Swann, James Pennebaker Post-doc (Stanford University)  
    Damion Demeter Quantifying individual differences in patterns of functional brain network organization in youths Jessica Church-Lang Post-doc (University of CA San Diego)  
    Melanie Gonzalez Race, socioeconomic status, and autonomy support in the classroom David Yeager Research Specialist (Rhode Island Department of Education)  
    Emily Hilz Considerations of the estrous cycle and female gonadal hormones in reward learning and memory. Hongjoo Lee Post-doc (The University of Texas at Austin)  
    Kelsey Kelley The role of perceptions of randomness in children's use of supernatural explanations Jacqueline Woolley Data Scientist (Indiegogo)  
    Remington Mallett The crossroads of working memory, attention, and perception: how distraction impacts short-term memories Jarrod Lewis-Peacock Post-doc (Northwestern)  
    Taylor Mezzaraups Allometric scaling in temporal integration David Gilden    
    Sharon Noh Using study sequences to highlight goal-relevant features and improve learning and memory Alison Preston Post-doc (UC Irvine)  
    Evan Nudi Towards a reproducible model for subcortical capsular strokes Theresa Jones Data Scientist (Reynolds American)  
    Tehila Nugiel Cognitive control and developmental difficulties Jessica Church-Lang Post-doc (UNC Chapel Hill)  
    M. Chantal Ramirez Parent-infant engagement and parental verbal responsiveness: implications for early language development Catharine Echols User Experience Researcher (Human Interfaces)  
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  • 2023-2024: 11 Psychology Graduates, 4 Clinical Psychology Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Eliya Ben-Asher Social, environmental, and neural influences of executive function ability in adolescence Jessica Church-Lang Lead Data Scientist (Lumer Technologies)  
    Tyler Larguinho The young and the restless: restless sleep and its effect on behavioral and neural inhibition in youths with and without adhd  Jessica Church-Lang    
    Kyoungeun Lee Interoceptive awareness and emotional episodic memory across the adult lifespan Audrey Duarte Post-doc (Georgia State)  
    Sydney Lee Exploring pain- and anxiety-like behavioral disturbances after spinal cord injury in male and female mice Andrew Gaudet    
    Anna Madden-Rusnak The dynamic nature of parasympathetic regulation in infancy and influences of everyday caregiver interactions Kaya de Barbaro Research Scientist (Dell Medical School)  
    F. Nicholas Medrano Status, respect, and adolescents' responsiveness to educational interventions David Yeager    
    Tyler Milewski Mechanisms of social plasticity in mouse social hierarchies James Curley Post-doc (The University of Texas at Austin)  
    Soroush Mirjalili More than sum of its parts: investigating episodic memory as a multidimensional cognitive process Audrey Duarte Post-doc (University of Oregon)  
    Kevin Moran Obesogenic behavioral, metabolic, and neuronal consequences of adolescent social stress in male hamsters Yvon Delville Post-doc (Rutgers University-New Brunswick)  
    Kylee Smith Uncovering translational predictors of outcome in preclinical models of traumatic brain injury Linda Noble, Marie Monfils Post-doc Virginia Tech  
    Serena Brandler The language of devaluation: how linguistic markers communicate and perpetuate social inequities James Pennebaker FBI  
    N. Nicole Kunkel Endocrine disruptors and hormonally-sensitive windows across the life cycle of females Andrea Gore Data Analyst (inThought Research)  
    Dillon Luke Individual differences in responses to moral dilemmas Bertram Gawronski Product Scientist (Indeed)  
    Zachariah Marrero Applying lessons from a critical analysis of machine learning in psychological science: two examples predicting psychological traits and states using voice data Samuel Gosling Machine Learning Engineer (Octo)  
    F. Alexis Martel The dual nature of identity fusion: a unifying force or a source of division? William Swann Adjunct Professor (St. Edwards University)  
    Jenny Nissel Why wearing a yellow hat is impossible: chinese and u.s. children's developing possibility conceptions Jacqueline Woolley Post-doc (Boston University)  
    Daniel Panfili The role of vision in locomotion Mary Hayhoe Post-doc (The University of Texas at Austin)  
    Kaila Parker Investigating the interplay between early life stress, acute secondary pathogenesis, and chronic hippocampal impairments in young mice with traumatic brain injury Linda Noble Account Coordinator (Stellate Communications)  
    Shaden Powell Do children show preference for non-muslim high resource speakers? Catharine Echols Lecturer (The University of Texas at Austin)  
    Sara Schroer Embodied and environmental influences on early word learning Chen Yu Post-doc (The University of Texas at Austin)  


    Clinical Psychology

    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Bridget Freihart Examining the role of physiological synchrony in partnered sexual activity Cindy Meston Private Clinical Practice  
    M. Molly McNamara Improving the assessment of attention bias in depression Christopher Beevers Post-doc (Mclean Hospital/Harvard University)  
    Megan Micheletti Objective markers of mother and infant behavior predict maternal men tal health: evidence from a multimodal sensing paradigm Kaya de Barbaro Post-Doc (UCLA)  
    Emma Siegel Effects of safety behaviors on distress tolerance: an experimental investigation Michael Telch Clinical Post-doc (San Diego Verterans Affairs Medical Center)  


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  • Accordion 5
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