Dr. Ann Repp Department of Psychology Excellence in Teaching Award
2021-22 Award Recipients:

Kaya de Barbaro
Kaya de Barbaro
Dr. Kaya de Barbaro has demonstrated an outstanding, inclusive approach to teaching her undergraduate course Intro to Developmental Psychology (Psy 333D), tuning her course each semester to strong effect. Dr. de Barbaro has also made an indelible impact on students in her graduate teaching in Fundamentals of Developmental Psychology (Psy 395S). Student comments reflect her life-changing impact.

Kirsten Bradbury
Kirsten Bradbury
Dr. Kirsten Bradbury consistently serves the teaching mission of the department at an exceptional level, offering some of the most in-demand undergraduate courses, including Personality (Psy 309), Behavior Problems of Children (Psy 339), and Intro to Clinical Psychology (Psy 364). Students share their appreciation for Dr. Bradbury’s highly accessible, informative courses that enlighten their career goals.

Juan Dominguez
Juan Dominguez
Dr. Juan Dominguez demonstrates his dedication to undergraduate education in many ways including his student-centered teaching of the foundational lower-division Biopsychology (Psy 308) course each semester, in addition to his signature course, Love, Mating, and the Brain (UGS 302). Student comments articulate how simultaneously supported and challenged they feel by the rigorous, stimulating, and enriching learning environment that Dr. Dominguez facilitates.

Katherine Tillman
Katherine Tillman
Dr. Katherine Tillman has demonstrated enduring teaching excellence and effectiveness in her teaching— from her undergraduate course Cognitive Development (Psy 333N) to her graduate Writing Workshop (Psy 380W). Students share their deep appreciation for Dr. Tillman’s exceptional leadership and tangible support of their writing skill development.