College of Liberal Arts
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Dr. Alex Etz

Dr. Etz received his MS in Statistics and his PhD in Cognitive Sciences from The University of California, Irvine. He is an expert in a broad class of statistical methodologies; specialties include Bayesian analysis, simulation studies, sample size planning, linear and non-linear modeling, meta-analysis and mixed-effect modeling. He believes that there is not one single best way to analyze data, but that different methods are appropriate for different situations. Indeed, the goal of any statistical analysis must be to identify the primary question of interest and devise appropriate models and/or tools for answering it. He has consulted on a wide range of projects relating to topics in psycholinguistics, social psychology, developmental psychology, and clinical psychology. He occasionally blogs on his personal website: 

He is available for general statistical consulting, so if you would like to discuss with Dr. Etz please contact him at: