Psychology 301
Intro: Research Requirement
Welcome to Psychology 301. In addition to coursework assigned by your professor, this class has a participatory requirement discussed on this page—the PSY 301 Research Requirement.
Psychological data and theories depend upon the research methods used to obtain them. Thus, exposure to research and research methods is an experience that is invaluable to understanding Psychology. At most universities, some exposure to psychological research is generally required of students enrolled in introductory psychology courses. The UT Austin's Department of Psychology requires each student enrolled in PSY 301 to complete five Sona study participation credits (Fall 2024: 3 online study credits and 2 in-person lab study credits) or the reflection portfolio to gain some familiarity with, and appreciation of, the aims, methods, problems, and results of psychological research. The PSY 301 Research Requirement must be fulfilled to receive a grade for the course.
For more information on the two options for completing the PSY 301 Research Requirement:
The research requirement options will be discussed during one of the first meetings of the Psychology 301 class. If you feel you cannot complete the requirement in either of the ways outlined here, you should meet your PSY 301 teaching assistant to discuss possible alternatives.
Please review the Important Dates to Remember page to review semester deadlines. If you have questions, please contact the research coordinator at
Downloadable PDF Forms
More Information
- Sona—Experiment Registration Site
- Important Dates to Remember
- Reflection paper portfolio
- Sona: Frequently Asked Questions
- Psychology Live
**Registration must be completed on Sona. You must have a UT EID to access the site.