Alumni & Giving
We hope that you will consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Department of Religious Studies. Your donations will be used to help the department expand its educational and scholarly mission.
Online Giving:
At the UT Online Giving secure website you may use American Express, Discover, Master Card or Visa to make an electronic one-time gift or divide your annual gift into two, four or twelve monthly payments.
- In the first menu of the online form, please verify that "Liberal Arts, College of" is selected.
- Verify that "Religious Studies, Dept of" is selected underneath.
- Enter the gift amount.
- If the gift is in honor of someone, please make a note in the box provided that appears above the "Payment Schedule" portion of the on-line form.
Your on-line transaction is protected by SSL (Secure Sockets Layers). With SSL, the information you supply is encrypted before being sent to our server. This protects your transaction from unauthorized viewing while being transported across the Internet.
To Give by Mail:
Please mail your check to:
University Development Office
1 University Station
Mail Stop A3000
Austin, TX 78712
Your check should be payable to The University of Texas at Austin with Department of Religious Studies in the "memo" section of the check.
You may also email or call (512) 471-8861 to receive more information.
Howard Miller Excellence Endowment for Graduate Student Support
To donate to the Howard Miller Excellence Endowment online, follow the instructions above and select "Howard Miller Excellence Endowment" from the second drop-down menu on the UT Online Giving secure website. To give by mail, include Howard Miller Excellence Endowment in the "memo" section of the check.
Endowments, Planned Gifts or Multi-Year Pledges:
For more information about giving opportunities, or if you would like to establish a named endowment, please email or call (512) 471-8861 to receive more information.
Gifts by Phone or Email:
To make a gift by phone please use the Office of Development's toll-free number 800-687-4602. You may also email or call (512) 471-8861 to receive more information.