Graduate Studies
The graduate program in Religious Studies at the University of Texas is dedicated to the study of religious phenomena within particular cultural and historical contexts. At the same time, we expect research to be driven by theoretical and analytical questions and to employ the methodologies that facilitate them. Although the research agendas of our students need not be explicitly comparative, we recognize that comparison lies at the heart of our discipline and informs our theories and questions. As a result, we expect all of our students to be able to articulate comparisons across traditions, cultures, or regions; to develop knowledge of relevant theories; and to demonstrate a deep understanding of the specific social and historical contexts in which their research questions are embedded. This includes fluency in relevant languages as well as facility in at least two methodological approaches. We encourage our students to draw upon the vast theoretical, historical, and linguistic resources available in our department and throughout the rest of the University of Texas.
Graduate instruction in Religious Studies is organized around four areas of concentration:
- Ancient Mediterranean Religions
- Religions in History
- Religion and Society
- Religion in the Americas
Application Deadline: January 3, 2025
Students applying for admission for Fall 2025 must submit all application materials by January 3, 2025. Please visit the admissions page for more information. The program will not accept applications for a terminal M.A. degree.
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