College of Liberal Arts
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Ancient Mediterranean Religions

General Information

This concentration area deals with the character and interactions of the late ancient religious traditions of the Mediterranean, including the New Testament, Early Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism, Hellenistic Judaism, and Greco-Roman culture. Students will develop primary expertise in one of the major fields listed below, and they will also do significant work in two of the others as supporting fields. There will be a strong emphasis on mastery of the requisite languages, developing appropriate theory and method, and developing connections with the broader study of religion. In addition to the relevant literatures and their historical contexts, students can receive training in archaeology and in text-criticism. The chronological span is from the Ancient Near Eastern to the Hellenistic period and from the Hellenistic-Roman to the Late Antique period. Graduates will be prepared for Religious Studies appointments that involve research and teaching in the major fields listed below.

Major Fields

  • The New Testament
  • Christianity in Late Antiquity
  • Judaism in Late Antiquity
  • Second Temple Judaism
  • Greco-Roman Religions

Applicants should have a strong academic record in one of the standard disciplines of the Humanities and Liberal Arts curriculum, with specific training in one or more of the core disciplinary areas listed above. Specialized coursework in historical-critical approaches to the ancient world, its history, cultures, and literatures, provides a solid grounding for advanced work. Ancient languages are an essential tool of this field of study, and applicants should not expect to be ready to begin doctoral level of study without significant mastery of three primary research languages (Greek, Latin, and Hebrew). Students should have advanced level of preparation in at least one of these primary research languages and, at minimum, beginning levels in the others. Students should ideally have reading competency in one or both of the modern scholarly languages (typically German and French) upon entering the program. Prospective students will often find that prior post-graduate studies in one or more of these specialized areas is beneficial for successful application and progress toward doctoral candidacy. Most students will enter at the master's level and advance to doctoral candidacy after completion of preliminary requirements (see below).

Students will complete the four following courses. The aim of these courses is to support depth as well as breadth in Ancient Mediterranean Religions for a well-rounded approach to the field, and to establish both teaching competence and the basis for research specialization. Each of these courses also helps prepare students for a related qualifying exam:

RS 386M Critical Problems in The New Testament

RS 386M Critical Problems in Christianity in Late Antiquity

RS 386M Critical Problems in Judaism in Late Antiquity

RS 386M Critical Problems in Second Temple Judaism

With consent of the advisor, and subject to availability, students can substitute one or both of these courses for those required:

RS 386M Critical Problems in Greco-Roman Religions

RS 386M Critical Problems in The Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East, or MEL 383C Critical Problems in Hebrew Bible

Students will take additional courses, including primary languages and research seminars, chosen in consultation with their faculty supervisor, in preparation for the comprehensive exams.

For students interested in Reception Studies, programmatic requirements may be adjusted in consultation with the student’s advisor and with the approval of the GSC.

Ph.D. candidates in Religious Studies are required to pass a set of qualifying examinations. The exams will be in four fields and will consist of written essays for each field and an oral defense of the essays. They are:  

  • Major Field: The Major field is one selected from the following: (1) The New Testament, (2) Christianity in Late Antiquity, (3) Judaism in Late Antiquity, (4) Second Temple Judaism, (5) Greco-Roman Religions
  • Supporting Fields: The Supporting Field Exam consists of two fields selected from the following, with each half the scope of the Major Field Exam: (1) The New Testament, (2) Christianity in Late Antiquity, (3) Judaism in Late Antiquity, (4) Second Temple Judaism, (5) Greco-Roman Religions, (6) Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East. Students whose Major Field exam is Christianity in Late Antiquity must have one of their supporting exams be Judaism in Late Antiquity.
  • Thematic Field: An exam that considers one theme in the study of religion and includes theoretical and/or methodological approaches and case studies. The theme should be relevant to the student’s primary research and teaching interests and should be selected in consultation with the advisor. 
  • Special Topic/Dissertation Field: Like the Thematic Field, the Special Topic/Dissertation Field is intended to prepare the student for dissertation work. Where the Thematic Field is directed at theoretical and methodological issues, the Special Topic/Dissertation Field deals with the specific area(s) of research within the student’s major field from which s/he will develop a dissertation topic. The topic is selected in consultation with the student’s advisors.  

AMR students must demonstrate competency with the following languages, which can be done through coursework or through an exam from a faculty member (coursework from prior degrees can be approved by the advisor on a case-by-case basis). For the secondary languages, basic reading competency must be demonstrated in two languages. For the primary/ancient languages, advanced competency (equivalent to at least five semesters of formal coursework) is required in one language and intermediate competency (equivalent to at least three semesters of formal coursework) is required in each of two others. In special cases, however, students may petition to forgo one of the two intermediate-competency languages. The primary languages must be completed before qualifying exams, and the secondary languages before candidacy.

Primary/ancient (three required, in alphabetical order)

  • Aramaic/Syriac
  • Coptic
  • Greek 
  • Hebrew (Biblical, Rabbinic)
  • Latin

Secondary (two required, in alphabetical order)

  • French
  • German
  • Greek (Modern)
  • Hebrew (Modern)
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Turkish

Students may substitute other languages with the approval of their advisors.

List of Ancient Mediterranean Religions Area Faculty

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