College of Liberal Arts
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The Department of Religious Studies provides scholarships, prizes, and excellence funds to outstanding students in Religious Studies. Every year, we encourage eligible students to apply for consideration for the following awards:

  • The Hilgers Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to deserving undergraduate students in the College of Liberal Arts in the Religious Studies Program or Department, selected in accordance with University, College and Department standards. The award is in the amount of $1500.
  • The Lt. Gen. Herman O. "Tommy" Thomson Excellence Fund will be used to award a scholarship to a ROTC student or returning veteran undergraduate or graduate student specializing in Religious Studies. Recipients shall be known as Thomson Scholars. The award is in the amount of $1500.
  • The Max K. Miller Scholarship will be awarded to a junior or senior Religious Studies major concentrating in Biblical Studies. Recipients shall be known as Max Miller Scholars. The award is in the amount of $1500.
  • The Sylvia S. Miller Scholarship will be awarded to a junior or senior Religious Studies major who is concentrating in American Religious History or Texas Religious History. The award is in the amount of $1500. 

Eligibility Requirements

These awards are open to all Religious Studies undergraduates that meet the eligibility requirements listed below.

  • Declared major in Religious Studies
  • Minimum 3.25 cumulative grade point average at UT
  • Must be enrolled full-time at UT for current semester

Scholarships are awarded primarily on the basis of academic merit. However, special financial circumstances may also be considered.

Application Procedure

RS Scholarship Applications are available mid-semester each spring, please complete this Qualtrics form by May 3rd at 11:59pm.