The Course

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LA 320J • Internship Program in Jewish Studies
In addition to working at their internship site, student interns are required to enroll in a 3-credit hour course LA 320J which meets from 5:00-7:00 on Wednesday afternoon. Weekly discussions will allow you to reflect upon and share your hands-on intern experience with your classmates, and benefit from the experience and wisdom of nationally recognized guest speakers in the professional realm. Topics for classroom discussion and readings include leadership, work ethics, professional development, community responsibility, social justice, and creative action.
Assignments and Grading Policy:
Students will be required to intern for a minimum of 10 hours per week, for 13 weeks during the semester. Successful completion of the internship portion of the course will be ultimately decided upon by your host supervisor and the course instructor.
Students will also be required to complete journaling exercises for class which reflect on their internship work, complete a written report summarizing and evaluating your internship experience, and participate in classroom discussions.
All students who fulfill the requirements of the program will receive a certificate of completion.
Guest Lecturers:
A unique part of the program is the inclusion of nationally-renowned guest speakers from Austin’s non-profit and Jewish community. They will guide our conversations about the ways in which the Jewish principles of kehillah (community), limmud (learning), tikkun olam (repairing the world), and tzedakah (justice through giving and kindness) have enhanced the quality of their professional lives and community service experiences.