College of Liberal Arts
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Minor in Jewish Studies

Minor Requirements 

The Minor, which is available starting with the 2020-2022 catalog, consists of 15 semester hours (9 hours upper division) of the following coursework:

  • 3 hours chosen from one of these two introductory courses:
    • JS 304M “Jewish Civilization:Beginning to 1492” (usually offered in the fall term)
    • JS 304N “Jewish Civilization: 1492 to Present” (usually offered in the spring term)
  •  Twelve additional hours of Jewish studies courses, of which nine (9) must be upper-division. Of these nine hours, three hours must be a topic from JS 363 and three hours must be a topic from JS 364 or JS 365. The twelve additional hours can include L A 320J, Jewish Studies Internship.