College of Liberal Arts
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Essay/Thesis Award

Jewish Studies Essay/Thesis Award

The essay/thesis may be an original creative work or it may be an academic paper taking a literary, argumentative, or research-oriented form.

Purpose: To support excellent research and writing among undergraduate students on Jewish topics.
Amount: $500 (essay)/$750 (thesis)

Please Note:

  • An essay should be submitted no later than the end of the semester following the one during which the essay was written.
  • A thesis (or advanced draft) should be submitted by April 25 (if graduating in the Spring term) and Dec 1 (if graduating at the end of the fall term).
  • Completed Application Form
  • A copy of the essay or advanced draft of the thesis including the following information title: number and title of course for which the essay was submitted (if applicable), and semester completed.
  • Letter of Recommendation from the course instructor/thesis advisor. The letter should be emailed directly to
  • Submit your complete application by email to


    If you have any questions, please contact us at

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