College of Liberal Arts
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Request Event Funding

Co-Sponsorship Request Form / Requesting Funds for an Event

The Center for Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies regularly accepts co-sponsorship funding requests for events related to our region, such as performances, academic conferences, or invited speakers to UT Austin. Co-sponsorship amounts will vary depending on the scope and costs associated with the event, as well as available funds in any given year.

NOTE: All funding requests must be submitted AT LEAST TWO WEEKS before the event date. We regret that requests received less than two weeks from the event date will automatically not receive consideration. 

INTERNAL UT: Please fill out the Event Co-Sponsorship Request Form including all pertinent details about your event. 

EXTERNAL TO UT: Please contact Mary Neuburger at with the subject line: EVENT REQUEST.

REGISTERED STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS that are affiliated with CREEES/DSES are invited to apply for funding. Your organization must have an active off-campus bank account to receive any awards. To apply, please complete this form and submit it to Questions about your Student Organization can be directed to the Office of the Dean of Students.