Student Clubs & Conversation Hours
Conversation Hours
Our weekly conversation hours are a great way to lose your new-language shyness! Practice your speaking and listening skills with others who are on a language-learning journey. Conversation hours are casual and fun, often with special topics to enhance your cultural awareness. All levels are welcome!
There are individual conversation hours for Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian, Czech, Polish, Ukrainian, and Russian. Check our events page for dates/times.
Note: Conversation hours are open to UT students, faculty, and staff.
The following clubs host cultural events related to our region:
- Texas Ukrainian Club | Wednesdays at 4 pm in BUR 480 | Contact: Inna Sopronchuk | Instagram: ut_ukrainianclub
- UT Russian Club | Mondays at 5 pm in BUR 454 | Contact: Rachel Nudelman: | Instagram: ut.russianclub
- UT Polish Club | Every other Wednesday at 7 pm RLP 0.128.
- Balkan Student Union | First Monday of every month at 8 pm in WCP 1.118
If there are club-sponsored events that need promoting, please send a flyer/information to
Registered student organizations that are affiliated with CREEES/DSES are invited to apply for funding. Your organization must have an active off-campus bank account to receive any awards. To apply, please complete the Student Organization Budget Proposal and Narrative Report and submit them to Questions about your Student Organization can be directed to the Office of the Dean of Students.