College of Liberal Arts
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Master of Arts in Media Studies/Master of Arts in Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies

The College of Communication and the Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies offer a joint program leading to two graduate degrees: the Master of Arts in Media Studies and the Master of Arts in Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies. The program combines interdisciplinary area studies and language with advanced communication studies. It responds to an increased need in both the public and private sectors for communication specialists with a thorough understanding of the culture, economics, geography, history, and politics of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

Program Structure

Students can earn both degrees simultaneously in approximately three academic years. Degrees are awarded when the required course work in both areas is completed. Students in the dual degree program take the following courses, which total 60-66 credit hours of work:

Media Studies

  • 30 hours of course work, including 3 hours of RTF 395 Theory and Literature, and 6 hours of Thesis Preparation (698A and 698B). For the Report option, the 6 Thesis hours are replaced by 3 hours of a Project (388), and 3 hours of Report Preparation (398R). No more than 9 hours of course work in media production (among the 30 required graduate hours) may be applied to the degree. The Graduate School requires that 6 of the 30 hours must be in a minor field, outside the student's major department. Minor work may be done in the College of Communication or elsewhere in the University.
  • A Thesis written under the direction of an advisor and second reader. The Thesis is written under the course numbers 698A and 698B. The student receives 6 hours of credit for researching and writing the Thesis. The final grade for Thesis appears as CR (credit).
  • For the Report option, a Report written under the direction of an advisor and second reader. The Report is written under the course number 398R. The student receives 3 hours of credit for researching and writing the Report. The final grade for Thesis appears as CR (credit).

Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies

For Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies MA Degree requirements: click here

Additional Information

Students interested in the Media Studies / CREEES dual degree program should also consult the RTF Graduate Program webpage.

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College of Liberal Arts