Slavic and Eurasian Studies | College of Liberal Arts
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Tako Lako Online Croatian Textbook

Tako Lako Online Croatian Textbook

We are proud to announce Tako Lako, a free, online, open-resource Croatian textbook developed by Dr. Frane Karabatić, with support from CREEES and The Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) is complete and ready to transform your language learning experience!

Tako Lako, which translates into English as It’s So Easy, is a beginner-level Croatian textbook and curriculum that aims to develop intercultural communicative competence and builds upon current research on culture teaching in the foreign language classroom. 

Colorful graphics and engaging themes are the heart of this resource that features 112 lessons, audio dialogues, instructor materials, and is fully licensed for adapting and remixing (CC-BY-SA).

After completing this two semester course, students reach a Novice Level or Intermediate Level, and gain not only language proficiency but also cultural awareness and communicative competence.