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Ph.D. Career Outcomes

  • 2023-2024: 13 Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Monica Elaine Bhatia Democracies of Food and Labor: Sustaiablility in Three Ecological Intentional Communities Christine Williams Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Washington State University  
    Isabel McLoughlin Brooks     NICHD Postdoctoral Fellow, Population Studies Center, University of Michigan  
    Kristen Burke Work, Marriage, and Childbearing: Gendered Insstitutions and Fertility Patterns in the 2010s United States  Kelly Raley, Abigail Weitzman Professional Researcher, Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health, University of California, San Francisco  
    Candrianna Gayle Coe Social Physics: An Application of Measurment to Organizations Johnny Butler Data Leader at Two Sigma  
    Alison Coffey Heated Housing Politics: Climate Displacement and Struggles for Shelter in a Wildfire-affected Region Javier Auyero    
    Faith Monae Deckard Bonded: Bail Agents, Families, and the Management of Risk Javier Auyero Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles  
    Molly Kudym Examining Student-Centered Teaching Practices in Online Introductory Math and Science Courses Robert Crosnoe    
    Kim McErlean   Kelly Raley, Jennifer Glass Postdoctoral Researcher, WeEqualize Project, Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics, Institut Polytechnique de Paris  
    Andrew Messamore Boomtown Landlord: Housing Systems and Rentier Capitalism in Austin, Texas Pamela Paxton Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Washington  
    Randi Saunders Invisible Injuries: Young Adult Intimate Violence Victimization and Life Course Patterns of Social Integration and Allostati Load Accumulation Bridget Goosby    
    Erika Abigail Slaymaker Resisting the Anti-Trans Legislative Project in Texas Christine Williams    
    Jared Daniel Thorpe A Life Course Exploration of Social and Temporal Variability in the Association Between Parental Divorce and Adolescent Mental Health Trajectories Robert Crosnoe Postdoctoral Researcher, Population Science Training Program, Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  
    Kathryn B. S. Wiley Navigating the Financial Margins: An Intersectional Approach to Middle-Class Black Women's Wealth Building Sharmila Rudrappa Assistant Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Clemson University  
  • 2022-2023: 14 Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Nino Bariola "Comida de Indios" To Haute Cuisine. The Legitimation of Peruvian Gastronomy and Its Social Concequences Daniel Fridman, Javier Auyero Postdoctoral Fellow, Culinaria Research Centre, University of Toronto  
    Hyungmin Cha Essays on Socioeconomic Status Across the Life Course and Dementia Mark Haward Postdoctoral Fellow, Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, University of Southern California  
    Diamond, Alexander K. Diamond An Uncomfortable Peace: Everday State Formation in Columbia's Peace Laboratory Javier Auyero Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Oklahoma State University  
    Michelle Ann Eilers Psychosocial Predictors of Young Adult Sexual and Reproductive Health Behaviors Amidst Conflicting Norms Abigail Weitzman T32 Postdoctoral Fellow, Population Health Training Program, Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota  
    Ilana Miriam Friedman The Rarity of Police Prosecution: Prosecutors, The Law, and Police Misconduct Becky Pettit Assistant Professor of Law with secondary appointment in Sociology, University of Kentucky Rosenberg College of Law  
    Michael Alexis Garcia It Takes Two: How Gender, Daily Stress Processes, ad Dyadic Coping Shape Well-Being in Same -Sex and Different-Sex Marriages Debra Umberson Postdoctoral Fellow, Population Research Center, UT Austin  
    Yuk Leong Hung Educational Expectations of Students and Their Teachers, Degree Attainment, and Labor Market Outcomes in Midlife Chandra Muller    
    Rachel Karen Family Support and Class Reproduction in the United States and France Becky Pettit Consultant, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France   
    Karen Hanhee Lee Amerian Racial Frames: A Relational Approach to Racial Attitudes and Change Becky Pettit Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, DePaul University   
    Eldad Joseph Levy Making a Market for Seurity: Private Security Entrepreneurship in Mexico City Javier Auyero Alfred J. Hanna Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship, Latin American and Caribbean Studies at Rollins College   
    Elizabeth Ann Nimmons Activism and Identity in the Somali Community Nestor Rodriquez    
    Katherine Ann Rogers Breaking the 'Grass' Ceiling? Gender, Race, and Class in the U.S. Legal Cannabis Industry Christine Williams Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Regis University  
    Patrick Thomas Sheehan To The Moon: Hype Culture in a Silicon Valley Start-Up Christine Williams    
    Yiwen Wang Same-Sex Relationships and Health: How Gender, Stress, and Relationship Dynamics Shape Health Over Time Kelly Raley, Debra Umberson Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology, Rice University  
  • 2021-2022: 14 Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    M C Mota Pereira Aragão Racial Inequalities Within Families: Three Essays on Interracial Families in Brazil Kelly Raley  Research Associate, Family Demography, Pew Research Center  
    Marta Ascherio The Perils of Immigrant Surveillance: Seurity and Social Control in 21st Century United States Becky Pettit Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice Sciences and Latino Studies, Illinois State University  
    Riad Azar Makin it Work: Three Case Studies on the Eistemology of Everyday Knowledge Becky Pettit User Experience Researcher, Facebook  
    Lindsay Bing Beyond Conviction: Pathways Through the Criminal Legal System and Consequences of Criminal Records Without onviction Becky Pettit Postdoctoral Researcher, Columbia University  
    Rebekah K. Broussard Health at the Margins: Reproductive Health-Seeking Behaviors and Experiences in Three Settings Alexander Weinreb, Abigail Aiken Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of South Carolina  
    Caitlin Peggy Carroll In a Feminist State? Sexual Violence and Gender Equality in Sweden Christine Williams User Experience Researcher, AnswerLab  
    Thatcher Phoenix Combs Queers Bash Back: LGBTQ Gun Owners and Qeer(ing?) Politics in the United States Christine Williams    
    Jess C. Goldstein-Kral Power Within Polyamory: Women's Accounts of Agency, Decision-Making, and the Division of Household Labor in Polyamorous Relationships Shannon Cavanagh    
    Jamie Elizabeth O'Quinn Married as Minors in the USA: Women's Srories of Child Marriage Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez Assistant Professor of Sociology, California State University, San Bernardino  
    Rui Jie Peng Engendering Migration From the Margins: Rural Ethnic Women in Migrant-Sending Communities in China Sharmila Rudrappa Assistant Professor, Sociology, Lafayette College  
    Beth Hannah Prosnitz "Paper Women": Gender, Land, and Resource Control in Financializing Nepal Sharmila Rudrappa    
    Shan Mohammed Siddiqui Beyond Acculturation: Citizenship Status, Racism, and Health Outcoes Among South Asians in the U.S. Nestor Rodriguez Assistant Professor, Sociology, Texas Christian University  
    Matthew James Snidal Disciplinary Experiences Math Coursework, and Racial/Ethnic and Gender Inequality Robert Crosnoe Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara  
    Inbar Weiss Cross-Border Marriages in the United States- Trends, Predictors and Implications Kelly Raley, Ken-Hou Lin Associate Director, Research Department, UBS  
  • 2020-2021: 12 Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Kevin Dahaghi Essays on the Policy Developent of Punishment in the United States Becky Pettit Postdoctoral Fellow, Wilson Center for Science and Justice, Duke Law School   
    Kathy Hill Work, Stress, and Dignity in the GIG Economy Jennifer Glass Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Information, University of Texas at Austin  
    Andrew Vance Krebs Safety as Care: Ecxploring Mental Health Care in the Criminal Justce Context Mary Rose    
    Shannon Malone Gonzalez In Her Place: Black Women Redefining and Resisting Police Violence Christine Williams Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  
    Alejandro Marquez Making Space For Respite: Care Work in the Immigrant Rights Movement on the U.S.-Mexico Border Sharmila Rudrappa   Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of South Florida
    Vrinda Marwah Reproducing the State: Women Community Health Volunteers in North India Sharmila Rudrappa Postdoctoral Fellow, College of Humanities, University of Utah Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of South Florida
    Lilla Pivnick Occupational Health and Well-Being Among Paid Care Workers Robert Crosnoe Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Education Policy Research, Harvard University  
    Ilya Slavinski The Racialized Governance of the Poor in Low Level Misdemeanor Courts Becky Pettit Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of MS in Criminology, Department of Sociology, State University of New York at Buffalo  
    Haley Stritzel Parental Substance Use and Foster Care Entrance: Trends, Geographic Variation, and Predictors of Reunification Shannon Cavanagh, Robert Crosnoe Postdoctoral Scholar, Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  
    Kara Takasaki Racial Optimization: How Racialized Masulinity Shapes the Relationships of Asian American Men Jennifer Glass Postdoctoral Fellow, IC² Institute, University of Texas at Austin  
    Kristopher Velasco Caught in a Web: How Rival Transnational Networks (Un)Do LGBT Rights Pamela Paxton Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Princeton University  
    Maro Youssef Women's Movements During Democratic Transitions: The Case of Tunisia Mounira Charrad    
  • Accordion 5
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