College of Liberal Arts
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Master of Arts Degree Requirements

Program of work will take effect beginning fall 2015.

Students typically earn the Master of Arts in the course of work leading to a doctoral degree, rather than as an end in itself. A minimum of 30 semester hours of graduate work must be completed in graduate status, consisting of 24 hours of coursework, plus 6 hours devoted to the MA thesis. No graduate credit will be given for undergraduate courses.

To see what courses to take and when, see below and download the checklist.

MA Coursework Checklist

  • Statistics (6 hrs)
    SOC 384L (completed in the first semester)
    SOC 385L (completed in the second semester)
  • Methods (3 hrs)
    SOC 387J (completed in the first semester)
  • Theory (6 hrs)
    SOC 394K.3 (completed in the first semester)
    SOC 394K.2 (completed in the second semester)
  • Electives (9 hrs)
    Any graduate-level SOC course except SOC 698A/B, x90K, professionalization courses, and x99R/W
  • SOC 398T (3 hrs)
    Supervised Teaching in Sociology - teaching assistants only (completed in the second year)
  • Thesis (6 hrs)
    SOC 698A & SOC 698B

The student registers for 698A one time only (after s/he has submitted the Application for MA Candidacy), and 698B for all subsequent semesters until the thesis is completed. A grade will be awarded for the thesis upon its completion and approval of the supervising professor.


Course requirements may be waived if approved by the faculty member teaching the relevant course and the Graduate Advisor. A total of six hours of sociology electives also may be waived or substituted (with out-of-department courses) if approved by the student’s advisor and the Graduate Advisor.

        Course Waiver Form

        Course Substitition Form

For instructions on how to apply for candidacy and submit the thesis, see the Forms and Instructions page.
