South Asia Institute | College of Liberal Arts
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Other South Asia Research Centers

American Overseas Research Centers

American Overseas Research Centers (AORCs) foster international scholarly exchange, primarily through sponsorship of fellowship programs which allow pre-doctoral and senior scholars to pursue independent research that increases knowledge and understanding of foreign cultures. 

Title VI Centers

The Department of Education's National Resource Center program provides grants to institutions of higher education or consortia of institutions of higher education to establish, strengthen, and operate comprehensive and undergraduate language and area/international studies centers that will be national resources for:

  • Teaching of any modern foreign language;
  • Instruction in fields needed to provide full understanding of areas, regions, or countries in which the language is commonly used;
  • Research and training in international studies;
  • Language aspects of professional and other fields of study; and
  • Instruction and research on issue in world affairs.

Other Title VI National Resource Centers for South Asia: