College of Liberal Arts
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South Asia Research Series

Statement of Purpose

Since 1998, the South Asia Institute at the University of Texas, in collaboration with Oxford University Press, New York, has published an innovative series on South Asia that returns to old scholarly values. The series leans away from the latest intellectual fads and toward works that we think have the potential to become basic tools of the trade—studies that that will remain reference points in important scholarly enterprise for decades to come. We aspire to publish scholarly translations, critical editions, reference works, and field-opening monographs on understudied topics. Our goal continues to be the publication of works critical to the field, but not easily published in today's market.

The range of topics we will consider is determined not by discipline or area, but by quality. To date, the series has included a wide range of studies from several disciplines and based on many South Asian languages. The series also covers many time periods and regions of South Asia. We are especially interested in basic works that will be significant to scholars of South Asia regardless of their discipline—translations and editions, collections of art historical material, archaeological reports, new dictionaries, detailed ethnographies, or studies of a corpus of inscriptions or historical documents.

Our goals are not modest; but neither are they unattainable. We want to provide a place where scholars who undertake these difficult and unglamorous projects can publish their results. By providing a forum—and by commissioning significant works—we also hope to encourage such basic research especially among younger scholars.

For inquiries about publication or to discuss a project, please contact Professor Don Davis,, 512-471-5811.

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