Education Abroad
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese considers study abroad an important component of its program to produce culturally literate speakers of Spanish and Portuguese. Moreover, this educational experience abroad constitutes a way for the student to become better prepared for a professional, civic, and social world increasingly shaped by the multicultural and globalized environment of contemporary society.
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Study Abroad Programs for Students Studying Spanish

Cuba in Question in Havana, Cuba
Develop a unique understanding of Cuba’s people, culture, ethnicities, and social/historical processes in order to go beyond the common media stereotypes and determine your own thoughts on sovereignty, human rights, geopolitics, race and other contemporary Cuban issues. See the history, affairs and people of Cuba as expressed by Cuban artists and intellectuals.
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Spanish Language in Antigua, Guatemala
This program explores the complex relationship between education and larger society. Revolving around Guatemalan cultures, students are immersed in the language, while living with local host families. Time is spent in local schools where students undertake an ESL internship at a preschool, while learning about the cultural and social context of education in Guatemala and the U.S.
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Language & Culture in Santander, Spain
During this six week program (first or second session), or 12 week program (both sessions), students take 6 credits of Intermediate or Upper Division Spanish per session. Students live with local home-stays to practice their Spanish and gain insight into Spanish culture. This program aims to improve students' knowledge of the Spanish language, including the ability to speak correctly and effectively outside the classroom, and integrate students in the local culture.
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Human Biology on the Spanish Coast in Santander, Spain
This aims to provide a once-in-a-lifetime educational experience that connects broad biological themes to one another, as well as to students' lives. Students will connect the study of epigenetics, genetics, and evolution to societal forces and contemporary concerns, to recent and ancient history, and to evolutionary relationships with other organisms. Students will receive introductory or advanced instruction in Spanish language and culture.
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Study Abroad Programs for Students Studying Portuguese
Language & Culture in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil
Live in Salvador de Bahia, a 500-year-old city and UNESCO World Heritage site, built atop spectacular beachside cliffs that overlook the tropical coastline. While in Salvador, enjoy a unique opportunity to learn about intercultural communication and the local language. Immerse yourself in the culture of the region via a homestay and enjoy the various festivals that take place in the month of June, featuring local music, food, religion, and Afro-Brazilian traditions.
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More Information on Study Abroad
The University of Texas at Austin has long-standing exchange and affiliated studies programs with a number of universities in Spain, Portugal, and Latin America. Additional details and resources are found on the Education Abroad website.
The departmental undergraduate advising office (BEN 2.108) is the optimal first point of contact for students interested in study abroad. The advisors can discuss program options with you, help you plan curriculum, and alert you to the availability of scholarship funds to help pay for your program abroad. They also conduct information sessions about study abroad programs at various times during the semester.
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