College of Liberal Arts
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Foreign Language Requirement

The College of Liberal Arts requires that students pursuing a BA achieve intermediate proficiency in a foreign language as part of their degree requirements.  This requirement may be satisfied by taking one of the following language sequences:

SPANISH (Non-heritage track)

  • SPN 601D First Year Spanish I                                          
  • SPN 610D First Year Spanish II                                            
  • SPN 311 Intermediate Spanish*                                            

SPANISH (Heritage track)

  • SPN 604 Accelerated Introductory Spanish for Heritage Learners              
  • SPN 311J Accelerated Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Learners*       


  • POR 601D First Year Portuguese I
  • POR 610D First Year Portuguese II
  • POR 311C Portuguese Conversation and Culture** 

PORTUGUESE (Spanish speaker track)

  • POR 610S Portuguese for Spanish Speakers I
  • POR 311J Portuguese Conversation and Culture for Spanish Speakers**
*Students continuing on to upper-division Spanish will need to take SPN 314 - Spanish Conversation and Culture (non-heritage track) or SPN 314J - Writing and Culture in Context for Heritage Learners (heritage track) prior to enrolling in an upper division Spanish course.  SPN 311 & SPN 314 and SPN 311J & SPN 314J may be taken concurrently.       
**Students continuing on to upper-division Portuguese will need to take POR 314C - Intermediate Writing and Grammar in Context or POR 314J - Intermediate Writing and Grammar in Context for Spanish Speakers (Spanish speaker track) prior to enrolling in an upper division Portuguese course.  POR 311C & POR 314C and POR 311J & POR 314J may be taken concurrently.  

For more information, contact