College of Liberal Arts
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Spanish Major

The Spanish Major (20/22 catalog and later)

-In addition to the Core and Liberal Arts area requirements, a major in Spanish requires 27 hours of upper division coursework.
All Spanish majors will take courses under the categories of grammar, writing, Hispanic linguistics, literature, and civilization. However, the amount of coursework taken in each category depends on the student’s individual interests.

In order to take upper division courses in our department, students must complete the final two courses in the lower division sequence, which can be taken concurrently: SPN 311 and SPN 314; or SPN 311J and SPN 314J (or one of the following in transfer: SPN 611D; SPN 612; or 312L). Prerequisites are strictly enforced to move into upper division courses. 

For inquiries about the major, please email

The major consists of 27 semester hours of upper division coursework including: 

-Three semester hours of grammar and writing: SPN 327C, Advanced Grammar and Writing in Context; or SPN 327N, Academic Writing for Heritage Speakers; or SPN 327V, Advanced Writing and Service Learning (3 credits)

-One introductory course in language and linguistics in society: SPN 330LIntroduction to Language and Linguistics in Society (3 credits)

-One introductory course in literatures and cultures: SPN 328CIntroduction to Literatures and Cultures (3 credits)

-One upper-division course in POR or PRC (Portuguese Civilization, taught in English) (3 credits)

-Twelve additional semester hours of coursework in Spanish (12 credits)

-One Capstone Seminar (3 semester hours). (SPN 379C, Capstone Seminar inLiteratures and Cultures or SPN 379L, Capstone Seminar in Linguistics. Only one Capstone will count.

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College of Liberal Arts
College of Liberal Arts

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The Iberian and Latin American Languages and Cultures Major (18/20 catalog and prior)

Until the expiration of the 2018/2020 catalog, the Undergraduate Program in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese will also offer a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts with a major in Iberian and Latin American Languges and Cultures (ILA). Students persuing this major have the option to take courses in Spanish or Portuguese, or they may take courses in both Spanish and Portuguese.  

The major consists of 27 semester hours of upper division coursework including:

SPN or POR 327C, Advanced Grammar and Writing in Context
SPN or POR 328C, Introduction to Literatures and Cultures
SPN or POR 330L, Introduction to Language and Linguistics in Society
One Capstone Seminar (3 semester hours). Only one Capstone will count:
-SPN 379C, Capstone Seminar in Literatures and Cultures
-SPN 379L, Capstone Seminar in Linguistics
-POR 379C, Capstone Seminar in Literatures and Cultures
-POR 379L, Capstone Seminar in Linguistics

In addition, students will take 15 additional semester hours of Spanish or Portuguese course work.
3 hours of the 27 must be taken in POR or PRC (Portuguese Civilization taught in English) if the majority of the courses are taken in Spanish, or SPN or SPC (Spanish Civilization) if the majority of the courses are taken in Portuguese. 

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College of Liberal Arts


For degree plans from earlier catalogs and sample four-year plans, click here