College of Liberal Arts
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College of Liberal Arts

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Welcome to TALC

Founded in 2018, Texas Aging & Longevity Consortium's (TALC) core mission is to enhance the longevity and well-being of the aging population. In service of this mission, TALC supports the development of interventions to improve the lives of older adults, clinical research in neuroscience and brain function, interdisciplinary and community-based partnerships with non-profit organizations and government agencies, community outreach, and a certificate program in aging and health for UT graduate students. Housed in the Texas Population Research Center, in collaboration with the Center on Aging and Population Sciences, TALC’s mission is to bring the resources at UT Austin to serve, advocate for, and provide resources to older adults and their family members across Texas.

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College of Liberal Arts

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Past Events and Recordings




Contact Us

Texas Aging & Longevity Consortium

The University of Texas at Austin

108 E. Dean Keeton St., SEA 2.326 Austin, TX 78712

Department Chair

Karen Fingerman