College of Liberal Arts
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Founded in 2018, Texas Aging & Longevity Consortium's (TALC) core mission is to enhance the longevity and well-being of the aging population. In service of this mission, TALC supports the development of interventions to improve the lives of older adults, clinical research in neuroscience and brain function, interdisciplinary and community-based partnerships, community outreach, and a certificate program in aging and health for UT graduate students. 

Housed in the Texas Population Research Center, TALC has partnered with 97 community based professionals focused on serving, advocating for, and providing resources to elders and their caregivers across Texas. TALC also serves as a central hub connecting the growing number of centers at UT focused on clinical research and intervention and provision of services to older adults, including the Center for Excellence in Aging Services and Long-Term Care, Clinically Applied Rehabilitation Research and Engineering (CARE), Gerontology Resources and the Aging Community in Education (GRACE Program), the Mulva Clinic for the Neurosciences, and the Population Research Center.


Karen L. Fingerman, Director

Jacqueline Angel, Director of Community Outreach

Maya Henry, Director of Brain Aging Research

Bo Xie, Director of Intervention and Prevention Research

Namkee Choi, Executive Committee Member

Andrea Gore, Executive Committee Member

Mark Hayward, Executive Committee Member