College of Liberal Arts
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The Texas Aging & Longevity Consortium (TALC) is a multidisciplinary endeavor supported by multiple units throughout the university, with 100+ faculty and scholars from 12 colleges or schools. TALC operates under the administrative auspices of the Population Research Center in the College of Liberal Arts.

The Consortium is led by the Executive Board, consisting of the Director, the Associate Director, a Governance Committee (GC), and a Community Engagement Committee (CEC).

Karen Fingerman is the Director of the Texas Aging and Longevity Consortium, and the Director of Research for the Center on Aging and Population Sciences, directs the initiatives to provide innovation and synthesis around the core themes of the center. She also directs the Portfolio in Aging & Health, and is in charge of research initiatives and coordinating efforts to secure funding for the Center.

Jacqui Angel is the Director of Community Outreach

Maya Henry is the Director of Brain Aging Research

Bo Xie is the Director of Intervention and Prevention Research

The Community Engagement Committee includes key stakeholders regarding services for older adults in the greater Austin Metro Area.

The TALC Affiliates have faculty appointments at UT-Austin and are researchers whose work identifies and confronts the challenges of an aging society, and generates basic and applied research-based solutions.