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Welcome to TALC
The Texas Aging & Longevity Consortium (TALC) addresses three critical concerns regarding aging: (a) optimizing successful aging so that older adults remain in good health, fruitful and productive in their later years, (b) preventing illness and declines associated with late life, and (c) developing interventions for individuals who are suffering declines of late life.
Housed in the Texas Population Research Center, in collaboration with the Center on Aging and Population Sciences, TALC brings together faculty, graduate students, professionals who work with older adults, and community members to coalesce around research, education, and outreach. TALC provides opportunities to forge collaborations, engage in discussions, keep abreast of current research, engage with communities that affect aging populations, and influence public policy.

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Contact Us
Texas Aging & Longevity Consortium
The University of Texas at Austin
108 E. Dean Keeton St., SEA 2.326 Austin, TX
Austin, Texas 78712
Karen Fingerman