Publications housed at TARL are a critical aspect of its research component. These publications are within a self-contained system and not a part of the University of Texas library system.

TARL Library Publications
The TARL library primarily documents archeological work done on Texas sites, though it houses reference works in Texas history, geology, geography, and biology. The collection comprises reports from universities, state and federal agencies, archeological contracting firms, and archeological societies. Our library is one of the Texas Historical Commission's designated repositories for cultural resource management reports.
Access to these are only available for in-house use during normal business hours (Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM).
A limited number of the TARL publications produced, under the various entities once housed at TARL, have been digitized. Those that have not already been digitized can be processed for an hourly fee and provided to the researcher. We also kindly request that if companies or other researchers have digitized copies of reports that TARL should have in their library to please share them with us.
For further inquiries, please contact Jean Hughes, TexSite and Library Coordinator.