College of Liberal Arts
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LTC Course List


Course No

Course Title


ANT 393

Language, Culture, Indigeneity


LAT 398T

Supervised Instruction in Classics

Curriculum & Instruction

EDC 385G

Second Language Acquisition / The Second Language Learner

French & Italian

FR 398T

Supervised Instruction in French and Italian

French & Italian

FR 392K

Alternative Approaches to SLA / Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Acquisition / Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis / Instructional Pragmatics / Multiliteracies / Sociolinguistics and Language Learning / Ethnolinguistics

Germanic Studies

GER 397P

L2 Assessment and Testing

Germanic Studies

GER 397T

Second Language Sentence Comprehension and Processing

Germanic Studies

GER 398T

Supervised Teaching in German

Linguistics & ASL

LIN 393

Bilingual First Language Acquisition

Middle Eastern Studies

ARA 383C

Topics in Arabic Language Teaching, Pedagogy, and Applied Linguistics

Slavic & Eurasian Studies

RUS 397P

Applied Literature in Foreign Language Teaching / Curriculum Development and Materials Design

Spanish & Portuguese

ILA 398T

Supervised Teaching in Spanish and Portuguese

Spanish & Portuguese

ILA 386

The Use of Innovative Technologies in Foreign Language Education / Heritage Languages: Speakers and Learners / Pragmatic Variation / Interaction and SLA

Texas Language Center

LTC 384

Applications of Technology in Language Teaching

Texas Language Center

LTC 385

Second Language Acquisition

Texas Language Center

LTC 389*

Req’d for both tracks

Proficiency-Based Language and Culture Instruction: Theory and Practice

*New course number; same course title and content

Texas Language Center

LTC 386

Intensive Course Design and Instruction

Texas Language Center

LTC 388

Topics in Language Teaching and Program Coordination / Critical Pedagogy and Language Teaching

Texas Language Center

LTC 397P

Req’d for program
coordination track

Practicum in Language Program Coordination



Note: Many 397 and 388 courses are approved for the LTC Portfolio. If you have questions about a course, please contact the TLC.

Sample portfolio coursework for student from Linguistics seeking the Language Teaching certificate

This program of work includes the two required courses (LTC 385 and departmental 398T) and meets the minimum number of four courses. The coursework for this portfolio includes courses from two programs outside of Linguistics, the sample student’s home department. In addition, the student satisfies the seminar/conference presentation requirement.

  • LIN 398T Supervised Teaching in Linguistics
  • LTC 389: Proficiency-Based Language and Culture Instruction: Theory and Practice
  • LIN 393: Bilingual First Language Acquisition
  • LTC 384: Proficiency-Based Language and Culture Instruction
  • Present teaching portfolio project/research at American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages national conference.

Sample portfolio coursework for student from Germanic Studies seeking the Language Program Coordination certificate

This program of work includes the three required courses (LTC 397P, LTC 385, and departmental 398T) and meets the minimum number of four courses. The coursework for this portfolio includes a course from outside of Germanic Studies, the sample student’s home department. In addition, the student satisfies the seminar/conference presentation requirement.

  • GER 398T Supervised Teaching in German
  • LTC 389: Proficiency-Based Language and Culture Instruction: Theory and Practice
  • LTC 397P: Practicum in Language Program Coordination
  • LTC 384: Proficiency-Based Language and Culture Instruction
  • Present teaching portfolio project/research at Texas Language Center's Language Matters series.