Foreign Languages Across the Curriculum

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What is the FLAC initiative?
Foreign Languages Across the Curriculum (FLAC) courses are special one-credit sections (listed as 130D) that are attached to a variety of academic courses offered by departments in colleges across the university. Their goal is to allow students to apply their linguistic skills in the context of their non-language courses, expanding their studies into the main course’s material while developing their fluency in the target language.
What will I learn?
Students work with a graduate student assistant instructor (AI) on course materials and materials adjacent to the course in the relevant foreign language to broaden their knowledge of both the syllabus and academic conventions in the target language. FLAC courses are therefore not specifically language courses, instead they have a cultural focus and use the target language to complement instruction.
Who is eligible to take a FLAC course?
FLAC courses are aimed at students whose fluency is at a novice-high level or above. Students may be native speakers, heritage speakers, or learners who initially had no background in the language.
What courses can I link a FLAC course to?
FLAC courses can be linked to any non-language course that is taught in English with substantial coverage of non-Anglophone cultures. Examples might include courses in history, literature, cultural studies and communications.
How is FLAC graded?
Credit for FLAC participation is awarded by the AI independently of the main academic course.
How can I apply for FLAC?
Undergraduate students wishing to take a FLAC credit alongside one of their courses should contact the TLC during registration with details of the course and their experience with the target language.
Information for instructors
The TLC’s director, Dr. Thomas J. Garza, will assist in identifying and coordinating with the graduate student AIs who are responsible for administering and conducting the FLAC sections.
A FLAC section adds no additional burden to the load of the instructor of the main course.