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Event Recordings



Language Matters! Performing Borderlands: Nina Murray's Translation of Ivan and Phoebe by Oksana Lutsyshyna

  • October 16th, 2024 | Video



Translation Studies at the Intersection of World Languages and Literatures with Oscar Chaidez, Ana Duclaud, and Anna Vilner

  • April 17, 2024 | Video


Translation in Focus: The Turkish Literature in Translation Reading Group with Ipek Sahinler


Promoting Oral Proficiency at the Intermediate Level with Melissa D. Murphy



Through the Thorns of Translation and Interpretation: How to Make Literature Speak the Same Language as Our Students with Kirill Veselkin


Building Community: Promoting Well-Being and Belonging in the Classroom with Chikako Cooke


Teaching [Russian] while [Brown]: Reflections on Language Teacher and Learner Identities in the Diverse Classroom with Thomas Jesús Garza


Who Am I in a Foreign Language?: Technology, Awareness, and Content in a First-Year Classroom with Oksana Lutsyshyna


Some Aspects of Inclusion Exclusive to Language Pedagogy with Gautami Shah


Impressions from a New Generation: A Roundtable Discussion with Molly Deaver, Dylan Gilbert, Raphaël Nonin, and Julia Burgin
  • February 9, 2023 | Video



Language Learning and Experiencing Alexander von Humboldt's Nature with Vincent VanderHeijden


What's Not in the Textbook? A Student-Centered Approach to Supplementing Culture Instruction in the Arabic Classroom with Garrett Shuffield


I’m in The Room! Addressing Diversity, Equity, Access, and Inclusivity in the Language Classroom with the World-Readiness Standards with Thomas Jesús Garza


(Dead)Language Matters! Practical DEI in Latin Classrooms with William Wasta Werner



Language Matters! Modeling Controversial Discussions in Upper-Division Language Courses with Beatriz Schleppe and Valentin Duquet
  • November 18, 2021 | Video


Language Matters! Podcasting History: Project-Based Learning in the Advanced Language Classroom with Marina Alexandrova


SLS Talk: Encountering and Processing Racism in Film in Undergraduate Students of German Through Targeted In-Class Interventions with Emily Krauter
Language Matters! Beyond the Binary: An Inclusive Pedagogical Approach with Rachel Poulin
SLS Talk: Interfaces Between Morphology and Phonology in the Acquisition of a Second Language with Nick Henry


Language Matters! Fostering Authentic Communication in the Foreign Language Classroom with Hannes Mandel
Game On! Cool Apps and Games for Language Learning with Patricia Kyle, Thomas Garza, Melissa Ferro, Orlando Kelm, Will Slade, and Alex Thomas


Language Matters! Changing Places: Study Abroad, Transformative Experiences, and Equity with Thomas Garza.
  • March 25, 2021 | Video 
Take the Leap! Design Your Own Online, Hybrid, or Blended Course with Patricia Kyle, Thomas Garza, Amanda Bush, Yazz Fawaz, Christian Hilchey, Heather Rice, and Sarah Jey Whitehead.
  • March 11, 2021 | Video 


Don't Stress Me Out! Addressing Anxiety, Stress, and Performance Fears in Online Classes with Krista Chambless, Kelly Moser, and Victoria Russell.
  • February 25, 2021 | Video 



Language Matters! Evaluating the Efficacy of Online Grammar-Translation Techniques: Lessons From Web-Based First-Year Latin with Michael Mignanelli
  • November 18, 2020 | Video
Why Stop There: Continuing Virtual Education Outside of Class with Patricia J. Kyle, Maxence Leconte, Yazz Fawaz, Marina Alexandrova, and Andrea Blatt
When Zoom is Over: Creating Language Materials for Asynchronous Interaction with Dr. Vivian Flanzer and Dr. Jeannette Okur
  • November 5, 2020 | Video


Can We Talk? Learner Engagement and Cooperation Online with Patricia J. Kyle, Maxence Leconte, Yazz Fawaz, Vivian Flanzer, Amanda Bush, and Vanessa Fanelli
Language Matters! Becoming a "Legitimate" L2 Speaker: The Role of Non-Traditional Speaker Models with Marylise Rilliard
  • October 14, 2020 | Video
Making the Most of Zoom Breakout Rooms with Authentic Materials with Dr. Christian Hilchey and Dr. Heather Rice


Facing Virtual Realities: Learning Objectives, Assessment Strategies, and Online Assessment with Patricia J. Kyle (slides), Maxence Leconte, Yazz Fawaz, and Delia Montesinos on using Proctorio (slides with voiceover)
  • September 17, 2020 | Video 
Different Strokes: Attending to Learner Styles during Online Instruction with Ms. Sarah Le Pichon (slides) and Dr. Thomas J. Garza (slides)
  • September 3, 2020 | Video


Ready, Set, Go! Teaching Online with Canvas and Zoom with Dr. Patricia J. Kyle, Dr. Maxence Leconte, and Dr. Yazz Fawaz 
  • August 20, 2020 | Video
Count Me In! Diversity, Inclusivity, and Online Language Instruction with Dr. Rachel Stauffer, Dr. Colleen Lucey, and Dr. Thomas J. Garza 
  • August 8, 2020 | Video
  • Rachel Stauffer's presentation slides
  • Colleen Lucey's presentation slides
  • Thomas J. Garza's presentation slides 


Reimagining the SOPI during Covid-19: Simulated Oral Proficiency Interviews & Teaching World Languages Online with Dr. Dale Koike, Dr. Pat Kyle, and Dr. Thomas J. Garza 
  • July 11, 2020 | Video
  • Dale Koike's presentation slides
  • Pat Kyle's presentation slides
  • Thomas J. Garza's presentation slides


Effective Methods to Advance Heritage Spanish Teaching with Delia Montesinos, Jocelly Meiners, Alana Kubeczka, Flavia Belpoliti, Edna Velasquez, and Encarna Bermejo. 
Get Your Students Speaking! Intentionally Raising Oral Proficiency in the Language Classroom with Dr. Nina Wilson 
Language Matters! 2020 Vision: Generation Z, World Languages, and Global Professionals with Dr. Thomas J. Garza 



Language Matters! Inclusivity and Accomodation in the Language Classroom with Kim Canuette Grimaldi 


Language Matters! Going Global! Beyond the Four Walls of the Language Classroom with Dr. Pat Kyle and Maxime Leconte 


Language Matters! Off Script: Performance in the Development of Spontaneous Speaking Skills with Alex Thomas 


The Play's the Thing: Teaching World Languages Using Drama-Based Techniques with Thomas J. Garza, Antonella Olson and Alex Thomas
  • August 12, 2019 |
  • Thomas Garza's presentation slides
  • Antonella Olson's presentation slides
  • Alex Thomas's presentation slides


Language Matters! : Teaching Languaculture Through Media in the L2 Classroom with Victor Garre León 


World Languages Day Career Services Presentation with Robert Vega, Director 
Language Matters! : Teaching Social Hierarchy and Popular Imaginary using Telenovelas with Claudio Eduardo Moura de Oliveira 
Explore UT: Global Voices and Songs from Around the World


Language Matters! : Culture of Close Listening: Listening Exercises as a Faciliator for Teaching Phrases and Idioms in the Language Classroom with Rama Hamarneh  
  • February 11, 2019 | Video
  • Rama Hamarneh's Presentation Slides 



Language Matters! : New Graduate Portfolio Program in Language Teaching and Program Coordination with Dr. Thomas Garza


Language Matters! : Language Learning for the 21st Century: Interpersonal Communication Through Digital Communities with Juan Pinto
  • October 16, 2018 | Video


Language Matters! : Inclusive Pedagogy and the Language Learning Classroom with Sarah Le Pichon


Then & Now: FL Methodology Revisited with Dr. Carl Blyth, Dr. Thomas J. Garza, Dr. Orlando Kelm, Anousha Shahsavari.


Heritage Spanish workshop: "From Conception to Implementation: Creating and Sustaining a Heritage Spanish Language Program" with Gabriela Zapata, Sarah Sweeney, Jocelly Meiners, José Esteban Hernández, Yanina Hernández, and Flavia Belpoliti


Language Matters! : "On the Practice of Teaching Literary Translation" with Dr. Mohammad Ghanoonparvar


Language Matters! : Bridging the Print/Digital Divide with Social Reading with Dr. Carl Blyth


Language Matters! : Translating Punctuation as a Metaphor for Literary Translation with Marian Schwartz



Language Matters! Designing Backward, Moving Forward: Reverse Design and Foreign Language Curricula with Dr. Thomas J. Garza
All the World's A Stage: Languages Through Drama 


Globally Speaking: Preparing Students for Using Languages in the Global Workplace 


Using Short Listening Dialogues in a Communicative Classroom
  • March 21, 2017 | Video

More Event Recordings: