News and Events
Every department and office site can display news and events on its homepage. Use Pages to manage your site layout and to adjust the number of news stories and events that will be displayed. Use the Web Editor to add, remove, and edit the content of news and events, add images to the posts, and to choose the length of time they will be displayed for before being archived.
All News and Events posts from COLA unit websites are submitted to the COLA News and Events review feed for possible inclusion in the main COLA website News and Events page.
Adding and Removing News and Events
Log in to the Web Editor with your UT EID and password. From your Dashboard, click the News button under the unit you will be posting the story for, Then click on either the News or Events button under your unit to bring up a full list of news stories or events.

This caption describes the image above.
To delete a news story or event, click on the red 'X.' To add a news story or event, click on the blue Add button.

This caption describes the image above.
Adding a News Story
To add a news story, click on the blue Add button at the top of the page. News stories are displayed on websites in the News Highlights, News Current, and News Archive blocks.
Adding a new news story is a 2-step process.

This caption describes the image above.
Step 1 (Data)
- Headline: The subject line of your news story or announcement.
- Subhead: An additional headline that appears on the news story page.
- Excerpt: A short 1-2 sentence summary of the story that will appear in the News Highlights block.
- Image Caption: Optional caption that will appear under your image on the news story page.
- Body Content: The main content of your news story. The Body Content can include text, external links, additional images, and embedded videos.
- Publish Date: The date when your news story will be published (it won't be visible until then). You can use the current day if you want it the story to be published immediately or a future date if you want to delay publication to a more appropriate time.
- Archive Date: The date when your news story will be archived. The story will only appear in the News Archive block after this date.
- Click the blue Save data button. After you save the data, the Image section will appear at the top of the form.
Step 2 (Image)
- Image: Use the cropping tool to add an image to your story, This image will appear in the News Highlight block if the story is the most recent. A thumbnail version of the image will also appear in the News Current and News Archive blocks. The default image size is 600x480 pixels (5x4).
Click the blue Save image button. Your news story will now display in the News blocks across your unit site.
Editing a News Story
Click on the blue Edit button next to a news story to start making changes to it. Remember to click the Save data or Save image button depending on the edits you make to the story.
Adding or Editing an Event
Upcoming and archived events will be published to your site by using the Events Current and Events Archive blocks. You can also display four upcoming events on your unit homepage by using the Events Highlights block.

This caption describes the image above.
- Title: The title of your event/seminar/important date.
- Teaser Thumbnail Image: Optional image that will accompany your event. Using an image without text will display better in the various Events blocks. You can add a flyer or poster image to the Body Content section.
- Teaser Image Caption: Optional caption for your image.
- Summary: Optional space to summarize your event. Appears underneath the title when you click on an event.
- Body Content: Description of your event. Can include text, external links, videos/images uploaded from your computer, and embedded videos.
- Location: (optional) Can be a physical location or a link for a virtual event.
- Date: The date of the event. After this date the posting will be archived and will be removed from Events Highlights and Events Current.
- Begin Time: When the event starts.
- End Time: When the event ends.
- Publish Date: The date when your event will be published (it won't be visible until then). Can be either the current day or a future date.
- Sponsor: (optional) List of sponsoring organizations.
Click the blue Save changes button to save the information to the event post.
updated August 15, 2023