College of Liberal Arts
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BA Honors

The Honors Program in Women’s and Gender Studies gives women’s and gender studies majors an opportunity to undertake an advanced research and writing project under the supervision of a WGS faculty member. The notation “Special Honors in Women’s and Gender Studies” appears on the transcript of each graduate who completes all of the requirements of this program.

The Honors Program is a two-semester honors thesis.  Students are allowed to start in Fall or Spring.  Students complete all regular WGS Degree Requirements, plus the 6 hour WGS honors thesis. These students will graduate with Departmental Honors, a graduation cord, and honors on their transcript.  Students are also eligible to apply for Honors Thesis research stipends through Liberal Arts Honors.  Students are responsible for finding their own faculty thesis supervisor.  WGS recommends approaching someone they’ve already worked with in a regular course.

Admissions to the Program

The honors program is available to qualified WGS majors pursuing the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Texas. In the second semester of the student’s junior year, during registration for the first semester of the student’s senior year, an interested WGS major should notify the WGS academic advisor and meet with the WGS Honors Director for admission to the program.

The current WGS Honors Director is Dr. Lisa Moore.

The criteria for admission are:

  1. Completion in residence at the University of Texas of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree.
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00.
  3. A grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major.
  4. Selection and consent of a thesis adviser. No second reader is required.
  5. Completion of the approval form for the WGS 679H Honors Tutorial Course (Thesis), which includes a brief, 1-2 paragraph description of the thesis project and signed approval by the thesis and WGS Honors advisor.

Majors who plan to seek special honors in women’s and gender studies should apply to the honors adviser or undergraduate adviser for admission to the honors program no later than two semesters before they expect to graduate.

Graduation with Special Honors in Women’s and Gender Studies

The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements for the major, are

  1. Women's and Gender Studies 679HHonors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least A- in each semester
  2. Satisfactory performance on a comprehensive oral examination centered on the thesis completed in Women's and Gender Studies 679HHonors Tutorial Course
  3. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  4. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree

The proposal and approval form for the WGS 679 HA and HB Thesis Honors Tutorial Courses is available. Download the form here (pdf).  Students will be able to register for WGS 679 HA and HB after they turn in the paperwork. The absolute deadline for turning in the paperwork is the 4th class day, during add/drop.  

The thesis classes is an independent study, so it will not fill up. Students are responsible for finding their own thesis supervisor/faculty members, so they should begin the search early.  Supervisors must be full-time faculty at UT.  No TAs or part-time lecturers.

WGS and Liberal Arts Honors Senior Thesis Manual

From Liberal Arts Honors which has information helpful for Juniors and Seniors (including Thesis Preparation Tips for the year before, suggested deadlines, and Senior Honors Thesis FAQs) can be downloaded here WGS and LAH Thesis Manual PDF.

This manual was initially composed by Robert Fulton with advice from professors, advisers, and students who have worked in various roles on senior theses. In particular, Dr. Fulton relied on advice from Robert Abzug, Larry Carver, Elaine Declerck, Robin Doughty, Kenneth Fenelon, Vince Geraci, Robert King, and Brian Stross for their input and suggestions.  The manual was revised in Summer 2017 by Dr. Linda Mayhew.  The cover pages were composed by WGS Faculty Affiliate and 2015-2017 WGS Honors Program Director, Dr. Ann Reynolds.

UT Research Week

WGS Undergraduate Thesis Students should participate in UT Research Week, usually in mid-April, with registration deadlines in March every year.

Research Week is The University of Texas at Austin’s annual celebration of undergraduate research and creative activity. Research Week provides opportunities for undergraduates to explore UT’s vast and diverse community of research and creative work, and to find ways of getting involved. Read more about Research Week.

Research Week provides excellent ways for students to learn about research opportunities and present their own research, and for departments, colleges, and programs to showcase their students’ achievements. Events range from undergraduate poster presentations, exhibitions, performances, and symposia to guest speakers and workshops aimed at helping undergraduates achieve their research goals, and the multi-disciplinary Longhorn Research Bazaar

Read more about How to Get Involved, whether you are a student, faculty member, or staff.  Departments, colleges, programs, and organizations may register Research Week events between January and March. As events are registered, they appear on the Research Week Events page.

Rapoport-King Thesis Scholarships

This scholarship awards $2000 to the student and $1000 to the faculty supervisor.  The scholarship is open to students pursuing departmental honors in any Liberal Arts major, excluding Plan II.  More details are available on the Rapoport-King Thesis Scholarship webpage.  The application requires a thesis proposal, statement of financial need, and a letter of recommendation from your thesis supervisor, all of which should be submitted through the scholarship portal. The deadline for applications is in September of each year.

Option to Publish via UT Libraries TexasScholar Works

There is an electronic community in the UT Digital Repository for the Center for Women’s and Gender Studies. 

If you are interested in having your Honors Thesis Published, please contact the UT Digital Repository Librarian, Colleen Lyon.

Additional Funding

Liberal Arts Honors supports students pursuing Departmental Honors.  Instructions for applying for research funds are listed online: Funding

Students should explore the Scholarship pages on the LAH website, and email LAH when they submit an application to confirm submission.