College of Liberal Arts
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Graduate Portfolio

The Graduate Portfolio in Asian American Studies provides certification of teaching and research expertise for MA and Ph.D. students working on projects concerning Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies.  The program serves students interested with questions of migration and citizenship, transnationalism and globalization, the politics of representation, race, ethnicity, gender, social theory, postcolonialism, neoliberalism, and imperialism.  Relevant courses are taught by faculty across campus, but particularly in the areas of media and communications, English, History, American Studies, Human Ecology, Education, Anthropology, Sociology, Social Work, comparative race and ethnicity, Women and Gender Studies, Asian Studies, and public policy.  The AAS portfolio is intended to complement existing programs and should not extend time to graduation.


The MA and Ph.D. Portfolios require the completion of twelve credit hours in approved graduate level courses and participate in a culminating event where they will give a public presentation of a scholarly project or research paper.


Courses fulfilling the graduate portfolio must include 25% AAS content.  This may be fulfilled by course readings and course assignments such as research papers, presentations, and other projects. Plan of study may also include a three hour independent study or directed reading course supervised by an affiliated faculty member. Students must complete one designated core course that will provide foundational training in AAS that will prepare them to teach an AAS course. At least two of the courses for the portfolio (six credit hours) must be taken outside of the student’s home department. Courses previously completed may fulfill portfolio requirements, with consent of the AAS Director.

Courses that have received approval as fulfilling portfolio requirements being offered in the forthcoming semester are listed on the Approved Courses page.

See Sample Classes that may fulfill AAS Portfolio requirements.


Students, including those from departments with no faculty representatives in the program, can enter the portfolio program at any point in their graduate work. Please click here the application.

Please email completed form to or drop off at RLP 4.106.