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What is Handshake?
HireUTexas, powered by Handshake, is the all-inclusive career management software connecting you with UT Austin Liberal Arts students and alumni for internship, full-time, part-time, seasonal, and on-campus job postings, event listings, on-campus interviews and career center hosted career fairs. With your Employer User Account, you will have access to roughly 10,000 liberal arts students majoring in over 40 areas of study!
All job and internship postings and employer event registrations are subject to approval.

- Access Handshake
To access and use Handshake, you will need to know your Company Profile before creating and connecting an Employer User Account. The owner of your company's profile will likely be a lead recruiter, HR specialist or even operations officer. In the event your company does not yet have a profile, click here to create a Company Profile. If you know your Company Profile, click here to create an Employer User Account.
Company Profiles and Employer accounts are approved by our HireUTexas Team based on our campus recruiting guidelines and procedures.
- Post Jobs and Events
With your new Handshake Employer User Account, you can post jobs, create events and register for career fairs. View resources for job posting templates and pointers for creating an eye catching job description.
Job and event postings are approved by our HireUTexas Team based on our campus recruiting guidelines and procedures. Career fair registrations and school specific events are approved by each school's career center staff in accordance to their recruiting guidlines. View recruiting guidlines for the College of Liberal Arts here.
- Connect with our Students
Handshake grants employers the ability to search for any student who has made their profile public. Using this feature, you can search based on students' resumes, skills, areas of interest and majors. Learn more about the different liberal arts majors you can search for in Handshake here. Additionally, employers can send a personal message on behalf of their company to increase visibility with students. Visit here for a quick glance at more ways for employers to interact with liberal arts students on Handshake.
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