College of Liberal Arts
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Travel in and Around Belize

PfBAP staff meet volunteers and students at the Philip S.W. Goldson International Airport (PGIA) in Belize City.

The PfBAP will from time to time provide transportation for project participants to ancient Maya sites outside the PfBAP research area. These may include Lamanai, La Milpa, Chan Chich, and/or others.

One trip at the end of the Summer Session (included in session dates), may be available to Tikal, Guatemala and the Belize Cayes. This trip is optional and is an additional charge.

College of Liberal Arts

The Maya site of Tikal in Guatemala is an optional travel destination for PfBAP participants. Photo credit Bruce Templeton

Visit these Web sites for more information about travel in Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico.

Climate and Weather

The summers are generally comfortable with some rainy days. The hottest period is from April into May. Refer to the Naturalight's Overview of Belize Weather website for additional climate and weather information.