College of Liberal Arts
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Volunteering Opportunities

Since its inception, the Programme for Belize Archaeological Project has offered a volunteer program for any non-student to become involved in the research program.

Volunteers must commit to a minimum of one week and may stay for the duration of the project. The dates of our Summer 2025 field season are May 15 to July 10.


Volunteer program fees ($US) are $1,835 per full session.

This fee includes room, board, and project-related travel within Belize, but does not include roundtrip airfare to Belize, nor does it include optional travel to Guatemala and/or the Belize Cayes, if available. Refer to Travel in and around Belize for details on these trips.

Please contact Dr. Fred Valdez with questions about volunteering and pricing.


You may arrive and depart on the scheduled season dates for students. If you are not arriving on a scheduled season date, arrival is usually scheduled for a Sunday and departure is scheduled for a Saturday. Please contact us for additional details.