Online Journals
Taiwan Lit, launched in the summer of 2020, is an online journal centering on studies of Taiwan literature and culture. It aims to reinvigorate the intellectual climate of the field by building a transnational critical forum, disseminating substantive research ideas, and facilitating innovative modes of scholarly exchange. We invite submissions in either English or Chinese.
Taiwan Lit 是一個以「台灣文學與文化研究」為核心關注的電子期刊,於 2020 年夏季創刊。本刊旨在打造一個跨國學者論壇,傳播有價值的研究觀點,促進新型態的學術交流模式,以求進一步拓展該領域的創新潛能。英文或中文稿件皆在歡迎之列
For more info or submissions, visit the Taiwan Lit webiste.
Or contact Editor-in-Chief, Sung-sheng Yvonne Chang 張誦聖 ( and Executive Editors, Tze-lan Sang 桑梓蘭 (, Chia-rong Wu 吳家榮 ( , and Wen-chi Li 利文祺 ((
Taiwan Politics is a peer-reviewed online journal centering on the study of Taiwan and Asian politics, published by the Center for Taiwan Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. Following the extraordinary success of Taiwan Lit, the new sibling journal Taiwan Politics was launched in early 2023 to stimulate timely social science research on all aspects of Taiwan politics. To encourage effective academic debate, the review process of Taiwan Politics is designed to provide authors with high-quality reviews and timely decisions. Taiwan Politics particularly welcomes short contributions presenting trends in public opinion, innovative hypotheses, case studies, reviews, and null results. This journal especially encourages contributions from early career researchers.
For more information and the first call for papers, visit the journal website.
Or contact Editor-in-Chief Tse-min Lin (, and Executive Editor Austin Horng-En Wang (