Center for Taiwan Studies
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Center for Taiwan Studies
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The Center for Taiwan Studies (CTS) at UT Austin, housed in the Department of Asian Studies, aims to promote interdisciplinary engagement with Taiwan’s history, culture, and politics. It was founded in March 2021 with the support of a grant by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the leadership of Asian Studies and Comparative Literature Professor Yvonne Chang. With the establishment of the new center, CTS Director Chang builds on the success of UT’s Taiwan Studies program that she launched in 2009 as one of the first in the country. UT Austin has long been recognized as an important hub for studies of Taiwan literature and culture. 13 Ph.D. students specializing in this field have been enrolled at UT since the early 2000s. By the end of 2022, UT Austin will have offered 47 Taiwan-focused courses on 26 different topics in various departments. The young center complements and expands upon this program through a range of activities, such as by bringing Taiwanese visitors to campus, supporting student and faculty research on Taiwan, promoting student exchanges to Taiwan, and hosting academic events. Moreover, the CTS publishes Taiwan Lit, an e-journal focused on Taiwanese literature that was founded in July 2020. The journal aims to reinvigorate the intellectual climate of the field by building a transnational critical forum, disseminating substantive research ideas, and facilitating innovative modes of scholarly exchange.

Center for Taiwan Studies at The Unviersity of Texas at Austin
Center for Taiwan Studies (CTS)
Department of Asian Studies Professor Sung-sheng (Yvonne) Chang spearheaded the development of the center, receiving a grant from the Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs for her proposal to broaden Taiwan Studies to include the wide array of UT activity related to Taiwan. UT has long been recognized as an institution committed to research on Taiwan literature and its socio-historical contexts, launching one of the first Taiwan studies programs in the country in 2009.
Among the many activities at the center, Taiwan Studies brings distinguished visitors from Taiwan to campus, supports student and faculty research on Taiwan, hosts a variety of international symposia and offers courses in language, culture, history and society of Taiwan.

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The Center for Taiwan Studies (CTS) at UT Austin, housed in the Department of Asian Studies, aims to promote interdisciplinary engagement with Taiwan’s history, culture, and politics. It was founded in March 2021 with the support of a grant by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the leadership of Asian Studies and Comparative Literature Professor Yvonne Chang. With the establishment of the new center, CTS Director Chang builds on the success of UT’s Taiwan Studies program that she launched in 2009 as one of the first in the country. UT Austin has long been recognized as an important hub for studies of Taiwan literature and culture. 13 Ph.D. students specializing in this field have been enrolled at UT since the early 2000s. By the end of 2022, UT Austin will have offered 47 Taiwan-focused courses on 26 different topics in various departments. The young center complements and expands upon this program through a range of activities, such as by bringing Taiwanese visitors to campus, supporting student and faculty research on Taiwan, promoting student exchanges to Taiwan, and hosting academic events. Moreover, the CTS publishes Taiwan Lit, an e-journal focused on Taiwanese literature that was founded in July 2020. The journal aims to reinvigorate the intellectual climate of the field by building a transnational critical forum, disseminating substantive research ideas, and facilitating innovative modes of scholarly exchange.

Online Journals
An important part of our work at the CTS is the publishing of e-Journals to facilitate academic discourse on Taiwan. Taiwan Lit, launched in the summer of 2020, has become a key platform for intellectual exchanges centering on studies of Taiwan literature and culture. Taiwan Politics, its sibling journal that was launched in early 2023, aims to facilitate social science research on Taiwan and East Asian politics.
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Contact Us
Center for Taiwan Studies
The University of Texas at Austin
120 Inner Campus Dr, Stop G9300, WCH 4.134, Austin, TX 78712
Department Chair
Sung-Sheng (Yvonne) Chang