College of Liberal Arts
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Students can apply for admission to the  Cultural Studies doctoral portfolio program at any time in their doctoral work, although it is advised that they do so before they are admitted to candidacy. Candidates must be students in good standing in an approved doctoral program and receive approval to enter the Portfolio Program from their Graduate Advisor.

Program requirements consist of 12 credit hours, or four courses, approved by the director of the Américo Paredes Center for Cultural Studies. These courses must be in at least two different departments other than the candidate's home department. No more than one course may be taken as a conference course. Although the certification requirements for the Cultural Studies doctoral portfolio are independent from the requirements for graduate degrees, given the approval of a student's supervising professor and committee (in the home Graduate Studies Committee), Portfolio coursework can be included on the Doctoral Program of Work.

Theoretical Clusters

The Doctoral Portfolio in Cultural Studies is organized around four theoretical clusters. Students are encouraged, but not required, to focus their courses around these clusters.

  • Media, Popular Culture, Representation
  • Performance, Power, and Art as Public Practice
  • Narrative, Ideology, Theory
  • Race, Gender, Sexuality

Additional Requirements

Candidates will be required to maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or better.