Undergraduate Program

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The Department of French and Italian faculty and staff provide and support innovative, high quality teaching responsive to educational needs and interests of students through courses in pedagogy, language teaching, literary criticism, and cultural studies. The department offers the innovative online resources Français Interactif and Tex's French Grammar.
The department offers bachelors degrees in French Studies and Italian Studies. At the graduate level the department provides three subject tracks leading to doctors degrees in French Studies, French Linguistics, and Italian Studies.
Offices are located in Homer Rainey Hall (HRH) on 21st Street between the Harry Ransom Center and Benedict Hall. The building was originally the UT Music Building and was renamed in honor of former UT President Homer Rainey (1939-1944). The department shares this interesting 1950s Spanish Colonial style building with the Jessen Auditorium and The Center for Middle Eastern Studies.
The department hosts study abroad opportunities in Lyon, France, Bologna, Italy, and Parma, Italy.
Rome Study Program
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Lyon Summer Program
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Learn French Online
🇫🇷💻 Learn French online, find out more:
Tavola Italiana
Informal Italian conversation practice Wednesdays at 5pm in the HRH Lounge 2.118. Open to all students of Italian. See our Facebook page or contact Amanda Bush for more information.
Circolo Italiano
Sponsors Italian-language activities. See our Facebook page or contact Amanda Bush for more information.
Undergraduate French Society
All levels of French are welcome. Students may contact texasfrenchsociety@gmail.com for more information.
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Why Study Italian?
🇮🇹🌍 Why study Italian? Check out this video and explore course offerings in the department here.
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Undergraduate Academic Advisor
Heather Peterson
BEN 2.108
(In-Person Availability: W/Th, 9am-3pm)
Advising Sessions:
Appointment Request
(Available M-F, 9am-12pm & 1pm-3pm)
Virtual Walk-In Availability
(no appointment necessary)

Undergraduate Faculty Advisors
Undergraduate French Faculty Advisor
Heather Pelletier
HRH 3.110C (please email for availability)
Undergraduate Italian Faculty Advisor
Valerie McGuire
HRH 3.110A (please email for availability)