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Application Deadline for 2025 Fall admission: January 6

All graduate admission applications must be submitted online

Thank you for considering The University of Texas at Austin Department of Germanic Studies graduate program.
Some of the students accepted into our program already have extensive training in German Studies, either at the undergraduate or graduate level. Others have majored in related disciplines such as history, linguistics, philosophy, and comparative literature.

The department is seeking students with exceptional academic ability whose academic profile, writing sample, and letters of recommendation indicate a capacity of sustained, sophisticated and original scholarly activity. It wants to encourage a stimulating learning environment and a vigorous exchange of ideas by admitting a student body that is intellectually diverse.

The application deadline for the Department of Germanic Studies is January in the year preceding your desired date of admission. For Fall 2025, the admission deadline is January 6, 2025. Most applicants are notified about admissions decisions in February and March of the following year.

Students are admitted to our graduate program once each year for enrollment beginning in the fall semester only. Applicants expecting to gain admission should be Ph.D., degree-seeking students. 

The GRE is not required. The TOEFL test is still necessary for non-native speakers of English.

We have broken down instructions for applying to the program into three parts. You can access each section below and through the navigation panel to the left.

For any questions please contact:

Dr. Marc Pierce, Graduate Advisor or Kevin Pluta the Graduate Coordinator