College of Liberal Arts
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Graduate Student Resources

College of Liberal Arts

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Below, please find a wide-ranging list of graduate student resources related to careers, mental health, student organizations, academics, research, professional development, student employment, and more.

  • Advising & Mentorship Guidelines

    Quality mentoring is an integral part of graduate education. Graduate faculty are expected to serve as good advisors to help graduate students succeed academically and professionally. As laid out in the guidelines, good advising is not only about formal training of students but also involves  providing students with a support system and helping them develop their scholarly identity and network. In turn, students are expected to be good advisees and keep an open line of communication with their advisors.

    Please refer to this document in Box for our Graduate Program advising/mentorship guidelines (last revised: May 2023).

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  • Mental Health Resources

    Counseling and Mental Health Center

    A list of on and off campus mental health resources for UT students.

    Behavior Concerns and COVID-19 Advice Line (BCCAL)

    Are you worried about a student in your class, bothered that your roommate has been acting differently, or concerned about the behavior of a co-worker? Do you have questions about COVID-19 and need support or resources? If so, contact the Behavior Concerns and COVID-19 Advice Line at 512-232-5050 or submit your behavior concerns or COVID-19 questions online.

    Resource Guide to Mental Health Services for Graduate Students

    The university offers numerous resources to help students stay healthy and succeed in graduate school. This guide seeks to introduce graduate students to the mental health care and wellness providers on campus and offices that offer services, support and community.

  • Student Organizations

    Government Department Student Organizations

    We have a series of student-led groups that provide support for our graduate students during their time in the department, including Women in Political Science, Queer in Political Science, and Political Scientists of Color.

    Political Scientists of Color

    Contact: God'swill Osa

    Political Scientists of Color (PSC) was founded by graduate students of color in the Department of Government to address the specific experiences and challenges of BIPOC scholars. The PSC’s mission is to build a more inclusive community for scholars of color in the department and academia at large. The group offers solidarity in informal potlucks and meetings, participation in the department and discipline at large by participating in the departmental Diversity Task Force, The Politics of Race and Ethnicity Lab, and fostering communication among BIPOC scholars.

    Queer in Political Science

    Contact: Laura Quaglia

    Queer in Political Science (QuIPS) is an organization founded by graduate students at the University of Texas to address the challenges queer academics face in political science and to provide opportunities for gender and sexual minorities to engage in important discussions about research, professional development, and academia more broadly. Our mission is to enrich the academic and professional environment for queer people in the department and the discipline in order to build a more inclusive academic community. In doing so, we coordinate social events, graduate student workshops, guest lectures, and professionalization sessions throughout the academic year to connect queer academics, allow us to present our research in a supportive environment, and share research on issues important to the queer community.

    Women in Political Science

    Women in Political Science (WIPS) is a graduate student organization at the University of Texas that aims to address the challenges women face in political science and in academia more broadly. 

    Women represent only about 30% of full-time faculty in political science, and research has pointed to the phenomenon of the discipline's "leaking pipeline," in which women drop out of doctoral programs or exit the profession after earning their graduate degrees at disproportionately high rates. To help ameliorate these trends, WIPS organizes academic and social events to facilitate an environment of inclusion for women in the Department. We also seek to support the professionalization of women in the Department. Our events include social activities and workshops.

    Graduate Student Organization

    The mission statement of the Graduate Student Organization (GSO) is to facilitate graduate students' professional development and organize social events. Though our tasks vary depending on the year and the needs of our colleagues, GSO co-presidents commonly host coffee hours, help plan departmental functions, and facilitate workshops in which Government students can receive feedback on their research, learn about different aspects of the academic job market, or simply motivate one another in their writing. The GSO also serves as a sounding board for any issues or concerns that might arise among the students throughout the year. Three new GSO co-presidents are elected every summer.

    Graduate Student Organizations

    The Student Activities division of the Office of the Dean of Students offers services and assistance to the 1,300 student organizations on campus, including those especially for graduate students.

  • Writing Services

    The University Writing Center (UWC)

    The University Writing Center provides free writing support for UT graduate students in all departments. The UWC's services include individual consultations, writing groups, events, presentations, and online resources.

  • Student Emergency Services

    UT Outpost: Food Pantry & Career Closet

    UT Outpost is the free on-campus food pantry and career closet for all currently enrolled students at UT Austin. Emergencies and financial hardships can affect students in and outside of class. UT Outpost is here to support students with healthy food and gently used professional clothing.

  • Resources for Concerns Around Unfair Treatment