College of Liberal Arts
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College of Liberal Arts

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Thank you for considering The University of Texas at Austin Department of Government graduate program. Some of the students accepted into our program already have extensive training in political science, either at the undergraduate or graduate level. Others have majored in related disciplines such as economics, history, law, philosophy, international business, or sociology. We even have a few students with backgrounds in math, computer science, and/or engineering.

We are interested in students with exceptional academic ability whose letters of recommendation, academic profile, and writing sample indicate a capacity for sustained, sophisticated and original scholarly activity. We want a student body that is intellectually and socially diverse. Students are admitted to our graduate program once each year for enrollment beginning in the fall semester only. Applicants expecting to gain admission should be Ph.D., degree-seeking students.

We are currently accepting applications for Fall 2025 graduate admissions. The application deadline for the Department of Government is December 10, 2024.

For the Fall 2025 cycle, wheher the GREs are required depends on your subfield of interest. The GREs are required for political theory applicants. Scores must be sent to the Office of Graduate Admissions. For applicants interested in comparative politics, international relations, political methodology, or public law, the GREs are strongly recommended. Scores do not have to be official; they may be uploaded as “Miscellaneous Admissions Documents.” If you choose not to submit GRE scores, we do ask that you demonstrate the technical and communication skills necessary to succeed at doing research – e.g., transcripts showing quantitative-oriented courses, letters that speak to your abilities in this regard, and/or writing samples showing experience with research methods. The GREs are optional for applicants interested in American politics or public policy.

We have broken down instructions for applying to the program into the following sections. You can access each section below or through the navigation panel to the right.

Before You Apply

Step 1: Graduate School Application for Admission

Step 2: Transcripts and Test Scores

Step 3: Additional Materials Required by the Department

Step 4: Checking Your Status

Concluding Notes and Contact Information